Andrew Johnston

IMDEA Materiales acoge el primer foro de investigación e innovación en el que participan gestores de la Ciencia e Innovación de todas las comunidades autónomas españolas

Cerca de 30 representantes de Consejerías de Ciencia e Innovación de todo el país visitaron el Instituto IMDEA Materiales en Getafe en la primera jornada de trabajo. IMDEA Materiales fue elegido por la Comunidad de Madrid como ejemplo del compromiso de la región con la investigación y la innovación.

DELIGHTED holds third progress meeting

The DELIGHTED consortium held its third online progress meeting. Project partners presented and discussed their research activities within the last 6 months, as well as preparation of the first periodic report. The future research plans and dissemination activities were updated.

DELIGHTED holds second progress meeting

The second online progress meeting was held on June 22, 2021. Project partners presented and discussed their research activities within the last 6 months, as well as preparation of deliverables. The research plans for the next 6 months were updated.

DELIGHTED holds first progress meeting

The DELIGHTED project partners held their first online progress meeting on January 25, 2021. The outcomes of research activities were presented and discussed. The research plans for the next 6 months were updated.

DELIGHTED celebrates kick-off meeting

The kick-off meeting of the DELIGHTED project was held online on June 30, 2020. The main objectives of the meeting were to get the consortium members on the same page and off to a good start, and to discuss the research activities within the first six months of the project.