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Convocatoria 2022 del programa de becas INPhINIT

Ofrecemos 4 becas de doctorado en los siguientes temas, dentro del programa de becas INPhINIT 2022 de la Fundación "la Caixa": Development of novel high entropy alloys via powder metallurgy for hydrogen storage applications High-throughput discovery of high entropy alloys Mechanics of electrodes

Seminario del Prof. Bianchi Mendez, del departamento de Fisica de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, titulado «Nano-heterostructures based on wide bandgap semiconducting oxides: Synthesis and optical properties» – 26 de noviembre 11:00 am en el auditorio.

Resumen: Wide band gap (WBG) oxides are currently attracting a lot of attention due to both their versatility in achieving a nanostructured architecture as well as from their capability of interacting with the ultraviolet radiation. In this talk, I will present our latest results concerning the

Carmen Martínez Alonso y Jose Manuel Guevara-Vela ganadores del poster más popular en la Sociedad de Conferencia de Ciencias de la Ingeniería (Virtual) 2021

El Poster titulado “El efecto de las deformaciones mecánicas sobre la actividad catalítica de los metales de transición para la evolución de hidrógeno y las reacciones de reducción de oxígeno”, de nuestros compañeros Carmen Martínez Alonso y Jose Manuel Guevara-Vela, ha sido premiado como el más

Obtenemos dos proyectos en la última convocatoria del EIC pathfinder open

Hemos conseguido dos proyectos en la última convocatoria del EIC pathfinder open para desarrollar las siguientes tecnologías de vanguardia, lo que supone una tasa de éxito del 50%. ¡Enhorabuena a para nuestras investigadoras principales, María Teresa Pérez y Jennifer Patterson! Proyecto BIOMET4D:


La Oficina de Transferencia de Tecnología e Innovación del Instituto trabaja para canalizar las ideas más innovadoras de nuestros investigadores en soluciones comercializables a través de la creación de spin-offs, acuerdos de licencia y contratos industriales. Casos de

Seminario del Prof. Carlos Molpecere, de la Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (Centro Laser), titulado «Laser bioprinting from single cell to tissue engineering » – 29 de octubre 11:00 pm en la Sala de Seminario

Abstract: Laser bioprinting is a very promising technique that has demonstrated an outstanding cell viability. With an appropriate process parameterization single cell printing is possible with high spatial accuracy. In this seminar, current developments at Laser center UPM in the field of laser

First Year Assessment de Junchen Xiao titulado «Predicting the fire performance of flame retardant polymer composites with data-driven approach»- 29 de octubre, 2021 -12:00 hr.

Resumen: Functional polymer composites are applied in various fields in industry and daily lives. To overcome the main weakness of polymer materials, the high sensitivity to fire and other high temperature sources, flame retardancy is requested to the polymer composites. Generally, it is to find

First Year Assessment de Xiang Ao titulado «Surface Protective Coating for enhanced fire safety and fire structural properties of Vinyl Ester Resin (VER) based Structural omposites» – 28 de octubre, 2021 -12:00 hr.

Resumen: The fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites are gaining increasing popularity due to their high strength to weight ratio, weight reduction properties. However, the heat/fire vulnerability of polymer-bsased tructural composites brings abrupt mechanical properties reduction with

Computational discovery of hydrogen storage materials

IMDEA Materials has know-how and experience in developing computational high-throughput screening workflows for discovery of hydrogen storage materials. Our focus has been mostly directed towards advanced porous materials such as metal organic frameworks and related materials (Fig. 1). Our

Defensa de Tesis Doctoral de Venkata Sai titulada «Nanoscale engineered electrode materials for high performance lithium-ion batteries» – 15 de octubre, 2021, a las 11:00 am.

La Defensa Doctoral tendrá lugar el 15 de octubre a las 11:00 am en la Sala de Grados, modulo 8, Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. La disertación se titula «Nanoscale engineered electrode materials for high performance lithium-ion batteries». Ha sido supervisada por


Funding: European Union, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships, Horizon 2020 Programme (Grant Agreement 101028155 )                                                                                                                                                                           

First Year Assessment de Carmen Martínez titulado «The effect of mechanical strains on the catalytic activity of transition metals for the hydrogen evolution and the oxygen reduction reactions»- 1 de Octubre, 2021 – 10:00 am

Abstract: Catalysts design has been one of the most relevant issues for the hydrogen economy during decades, especially for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). These catalytic processes are controlled by the electronic structure of the catalyst, that can

First Year Assessment de Venkatesh Sivagnana titulado «New high entropy alloy formulations developed using advanced powder metallurgy routes for high temperature applications»- 1 de octubre, 2021.

Abstract: High entropy alloys (HEAs) have recently garnered significant research attention due to the variety of properties they offer, including high strength, fracture resistance, thermal stability, wear resistance, corrosion resistance and irradiation resistance. When it comes to processing of

Seminario del Prof. Johan Christensen, de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, titulado «Vibrant future for acoustic and mechanical metamaterials» – 24 de septiembre a las 12:30 pm en el Auditorio.

Resumen: The boost experienced by acoustic and mechanical metamaterial research during the past years has been driven by the ability to sculpture the flow of sound waves and vibrations at will. Metamaterials, which come in all kinds of shapes and forms, have initially been designed for

Seminario del Dr. Harun Tüysüz del Instituto Max-Planck für Kohlenforschung en Alemania, titulado «Tailor-made Nanostructured Catalysts for Photo- and Electro-chemical Energy Conversion» – 22 de septiembre a las 12:00 pm en el Auditorio.

Resumen: The particular research interest of the speaker is the design and development of well-defined nanostructured materials and studying their structure-activity relationships for sustainable energy related catalytic transformations. After a brief introduction, the focus of the first part

La ciencia, la mejor aliada del Planeta

Todos tenemos la responsabilidad de intentar preservar el medio ambiente lo mejor posible. Sin embargo, si te dedicas a la investigación, tu responsabilidad es aún mayor. Al menos eso es lo que creen los investigadores de los Institutos IMDEA. El próximo viernes 24 de septiembre, en el marco de la

Seminario del Sergio Sanchez González de la Universidad Northumbria, titulado «Metallic materials for biodegradable implants and antimicrobial surfaces» – 22 de julio las 12:00 pm en la Sala de Seminario.

Abstract Metallic materials are of interest in the healthcare sector because they can be used for multiple applications including as biodegradable implants and as antimicrobial touch surfaces for hospitals and other healthcare settings. With an ever-increasing demand for materials that need to

Consejo Asesor Industrial

La Visión del Instituto de Materiales IMDEA es convertirse en un instituto de investigación líder, reconocido internacionalmente por su excelencia en ciencia e ingeniería de materiales y sus contribuciones a la transformación de la sociedad. Para lograr este objetivo, IMDEA Materiales ha creado un

Printable Carbon-based conducting cables

IMDEA Materials has developed a method to produce highly conductingnanostructured fibres for use as lightweight conductors (see Fig. 1). On a massbasis, these conductors have superior electrical/thermal conductivity andhigher ampacity (maximum current density) than most metals. Their graphiticnature

Nanostructured Silicon anodes for Lithium-ion batteries

IMDEA Materials has a proprietary method to produce continuous sheets of nanostructured Silicon [1] (see Fig. 1) and their integration as high capacity anodes in Lithium-ion batteries without use of processing solvents or polymers. The electrodes combine high capacity (> 6 mAh/cm2), high

DELIGHTED holds second progress meeting

The second online progress meeting was held on June 22, 2021. Project partners presented and discussed their research activities within the last 6 months, as well as preparation of deliverables. The research plans for the next 6 months were updated.

First Year Assessment of Lucia Cobian, entitle «Experimental-Numerical Analysis of Polymer Based Lattice Materials Fabricated with Additive Manufacturing» – 24th of June, 2021, a las 12:00 pm.

Resumen: Lattice materials are materials constituted by the repetition of small cells composed of structural units as bars, beams or shells, which form a lattice. The cell geometry can be designed to have an outstanding macroscopic response such as very high specific stiffness or energy

First Year Assessment de Isabel Gómez titulado «Synthesis and Characterization of inorganic nanowires via Floating Catalyst Chemical Vapour Deposition»- 12:00 pm, 25 de Junio, 2021.

Resumen: The work presented is the result of a year studying the growth of inorganic nanowires by floating catalyst chemical vapour deposition (FCCVD) with the objective of applying this technique to the synthesis of metal oxide nanowires. The differences between substrated-CVD and FCCVD

Defensa de Tesis Doctoral de Mario Rueda titulado «Experimental and computational micromechanics of fibre-reinforced polymer composites at high strain rates» – 25 de junio, 2021.

La Defensa Doctoral tendrá lugar el 25 de junio a las 12:00 pm en la "Sala Verde" de la Escuela de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de la UPM. La disertación se titula "Experimental and computational micromechanics of fibre-reinforced polymer composites at high strain rates" Ha sido supervisada por

Jose Manuel Torralba, elegido nuevo Director

El pasado 27 de abril, una vez concluido un proceso de selección internacional, el Prof. José Manuel Torralba fue nombrado Director del Instituto IMDEA Materiales por el Patronato del centro. El Prof. Torralba sustituye al Prof. Ignacio Romero, que ha estado al frente del Instituto durante los

First Year Assessment de Keayvan Keramati titulado «Race Tracking Study during RTM and predict it with machine learning by CFD generated data»- 28 de Mayo, 2021, a las 11:00 am.

Resumen: Resin transfer molding (RTM) is a closed-mold procedure in the composite manufacturing process. The resin enters the mold from the inlet port, and the gradient pressure of the inlet and outlet makes the flow move into the mold. A common disturbance that happened during the process is

Conferencia IMDEA Materiales – KIST 2021

El próximo 25 de mayo organizamos una conferencia conjunta con el Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Corea para explorar oportunidades de colaboración en el campo de los materiales compuestos.

Materiales para Salud

OBJETIVO Y VISIÓN El Programa de Materiales para Salud busca desarrollar nuevas estrategias basadas en materiales, que aborden diversos retos en medicina, desde el tratamiento de daños en órganos o tejidos hasta la mejora de los sistemas de liberación de fármacos. El

«2nd PhD Meeting» de IMDEA Materiales

¿Quieres desarrollar tu carrera en el ámbito de la ciencia y la innovación? ¿Te gustaría hacer tu Doctorado en una investigación más aplicada y cercana al mercado? ¡Ven a ver los proyectos en los que podrías trabajar con nosotros el próximo 6 de Febrero!

Andrea Fernández, considerada “Influencer 20.0”.

¡Nuestra compañera Andrea Fernández, considerada “Influencer 20.0”! Ha sido protagonista de esta consideración gracias a su investigación para ayudar a los demás y tratar de hacer un mundo mejor. En el siguiente link podréis ver toda la información al igual que el video donde le hacen una

Seminario del Prof. Dan Mordehai de Technion (Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica), titulado «Microstructure-based Plasticity of Metals – Going from the Atomic to the Continuum Scale» – 22 de abril a las 12:00 pm en el Auditorio.

Resumen: Microstructural defects on the atomic level are known to be responsible to the macroscopic deformation of metals. Despite, the study of microstructure-based plasticity of metals is still a great challenge owing to the multiphysics and multiscale nature of plasticity. In this talk, I will

Materiales para pseudo-satélites de alta altitud

Comenzamos a colaborar con la start-up madrileña SmartHAPS para investigar materiales de aplicación en pseudo-satélites de alta altitud (HAPS por sus siglas inglesas). Estos vehículos aéreos constituyen una excelente alternativa a la operación de los satélites y los drones aéreos. La investigación

Fire retardant reprocessable epoxy-based composites

IMDEA Materials has developed a technology to produce Reprocessable Epoxy Resin (REP) composites with excellent fire retardancy and re-processability. Compared with pure epoxy resin with a Limited Oxygen Index (LOI) of 21.7 % and no rating in vertical burning test (UL-94), recyclable epoxy resin

Defect-engineered electrodes

Although secondary Li-ion batteries are widely used for electrochemical energy storage, low energy (100-300 Wh kg-1) and power density (250-400 W kg-1) are limiting their applications in several areas including long-range electric vehicles. This is mainly due to the use of graphite anodes with low

In-situ studies of defect-engineered electrodes

Diffusion independent pseudocapacitive ion storage is one of the recently investigated mechanisms for achieving ultrafast Li and Na-ion storage. It usually involves surface/ near surface charge-transfer reactions. Nevertheless, intrinsic pseudocapacitance of transition metal oxide anodes is not

New 3D-printed alloys for extreme conditions

IMDEA Materials has recognized expertise on the design of alloys for high temperature, high strength and lightweight applications, which are suitable for the production of 3D printed components by laser-based or binder-jetting methods. Previous works include the design of superalloys for turbine

IMDEA Materials Institute Alumni Interview – Saeid Loftian

Dr. Saeid Loftian was born in Iran. He joined IMDEA Materials in 2010, where he completed his PhD thesis entitled "High-Temperature Mechanical Behavior of Al/SiC Nanoscale Multilayers" under the supervision of Dr. Jon Molina and Prof. Javier LLorca. The thesis was awarded with the best PhD Thesis

Virtual testing of metals

IMDEA Materials offers a mature, fully stand-alone technology able to predict the mechanical response of an engineering alloy as function of its microstructure [1]. This technology is able to provide the anisotropic elastic properties and stress-strain elastoplastic curves, the creep response and

Scientific Highlight: New coatings for extreme conditions

Titanium aluminum nitrides (TiAlN) are currently the most versatile coatings in terms of performance with various applications in industry: as wear-resistant coatings for cutting tools; for increasing productivity in die casting, reducing soldering and retarding fire cracks; for plastic processing,

First Year Assessment de Andres Sierra titulado «Microstructural design in novel stainless steels via quenching and partitioning to improve their mechanical properties»- 12 de Marzo, 2021.

Resumen: The quenching and partitioning (Q&P) process is a relatively new heat treatment (2003) aimed at the creation of a multi-phase microstructure of tempered martensite and stabilized retained austenite. This microstructure enhances the mechanical properties of the steel, achieving an

Multiscale in-situ characterization of materials and processes

Current trends to reduce weight, energy consumption and improve functionality are leading to new materials with complex microstructures, whose behavior can only be understood from the synergetic contribution of processes occurring at multiple length scales (from nm to m). Examples of these materials

Scientific Highlight: Bioresorbable scaffolds for tissue engineering

IMDEA Materials has developed technologies to manufacture scaffolds made of biodegradable polymers (PCL, PLA, PLGA, etc), biodegradable metals (Mg and Zn) and their composites for tissue engineering (see Fig. 1 below). The main advantage of this technology is that it allows designing scaffolds with

Scientific Highlight: Ultrafast processing of advanced metallic materials

IMDEA Materials has developed technologies for ultrafast processing of advanced metallic materials in a thermo-mechanical simulator (GLEEBLE 3800). They allow to precisely control the thermo-mechanical processing at high heating/cooling rates, as well as at high strain rate plastic deformation.

Modelling and simulation of Hydrogen embrittlement

Europe’s commitment to reach carbon neutrality by 2050 is strongly pushing renewable energy sources and hydrogen has emerged as a versatile and environmentally friendly mean to store and transport clean energy. The large-scale usage of hydrogen has prompted new challenges in the core electrochemical

Fire retardant battery materials

IMDEA Materials is working on new battery materials that combine electrochemical integrity and enhanced fire safety. Fig. 1 below shows a fully solid-state battery based on a HKUST-1 MOF modified electrolyte with simultaneously improved electrochemical performance and fire safety was successfully

(FUNMAT) Functionally Metalized Nanocellulose For Future Smart Materials

Funding: H2020. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships Region: European Project period: 2021 – 2024 Principal Investigator: Dr. Ahmed Said Azizi Samir ( Designing at the nanoscale is a promising and challenging strategy to innovate new building-block