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Seminario del Prof. Dan Mordehai de Technion (Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica), titulado «Microstructure-based Plasticity of Metals – Going from the Atomic to the Continuum Scale» – 22 de abril a las 12:00 pm en el Auditorio.

Resumen: Microstructural defects on the atomic level are known to be responsible to the macroscopic deformation of metals. Despite, the study of microstructure-based plasticity of metals is still a great challenge owing to the multiphysics and multiscale nature of plasticity. In this talk, I will

Materiales para pseudo-satélites de alta altitud

Comenzamos a colaborar con la start-up madrileña SmartHAPS para investigar materiales de aplicación en pseudo-satélites de alta altitud (HAPS por sus siglas inglesas). Estos vehículos aéreos constituyen una excelente alternativa a la operación de los satélites y los drones aéreos. La investigación

Fire retardant reprocessable epoxy-based composites

IMDEA Materials has developed a technology to produce Reprocessable Epoxy Resin (REP) composites with excellent fire retardancy and re-processability. Compared with pure epoxy resin with a Limited Oxygen Index (LOI) of 21.7 % and no rating in vertical burning test (UL-94), recyclable epoxy resin

Defect-engineered electrodes

Although secondary Li-ion batteries are widely used for electrochemical energy storage, low energy (100-300 Wh kg-1) and power density (250-400 W kg-1) are limiting their applications in several areas including long-range electric vehicles. This is mainly due to the use of graphite anodes with low

In-situ studies of defect-engineered electrodes

Diffusion independent pseudocapacitive ion storage is one of the recently investigated mechanisms for achieving ultrafast Li and Na-ion storage. It usually involves surface/ near surface charge-transfer reactions. Nevertheless, intrinsic pseudocapacitance of transition metal oxide anodes is not

New 3D-printed alloys for extreme conditions

IMDEA Materials has recognized expertise on the design of alloys for high temperature, high strength and lightweight applications, which are suitable for the production of 3D printed components by laser-based or binder-jetting methods. Previous works include the design of superalloys for turbine

IMDEA Materials Institute Alumni Interview – Saeid Loftian

Dr. Saeid Loftian was born in Iran. He joined IMDEA Materials in 2010, where he completed his PhD thesis entitled "High-Temperature Mechanical Behavior of Al/SiC Nanoscale Multilayers" under the supervision of Dr. Jon Molina and Prof. Javier LLorca. The thesis was awarded with the best PhD Thesis

Auto Draft

Synthesis and integration of nanomaterials (nanotubes, nanofibers and hybrids)​ Synthesis of nanocarbon/semiconductor hybrids for photo and electrocatalysis, interaction of nanocarbons with liquid molecules, polyelectrolytes and inorganic salts.Sensors: chemical, piezoresistive,

Virtual testing of metals

IMDEA Materials offers a mature, fully stand-alone technology able to predict the mechanical response of an engineering alloy as function of its microstructure [1]. This technology is able to provide the anisotropic elastic properties and stress-strain elastoplastic curves, the creep response and

Scientific Highlight: New coatings for extreme conditions

Titanium aluminum nitrides (TiAlN) are currently the most versatile coatings in terms of performance with various applications in industry: as wear-resistant coatings for cutting tools; for increasing productivity in die casting, reducing soldering and retarding fire cracks; for plastic processing,

First Year Assessment de Andres Sierra titulado «Microstructural design in novel stainless steels via quenching and partitioning to improve their mechanical properties»- 12 de Marzo, 2021.

Resumen: The quenching and partitioning (Q&P) process is a relatively new heat treatment (2003) aimed at the creation of a multi-phase microstructure of tempered martensite and stabilized retained austenite. This microstructure enhances the mechanical properties of the steel, achieving an

Multiscale in-situ characterization of materials and processes

Current trends to reduce weight, energy consumption and improve functionality are leading to new materials with complex microstructures, whose behavior can only be understood from the synergetic contribution of processes occurring at multiple length scales (from nm to m). Examples of these materials

Scientific Highlight: Bioresorbable scaffolds for tissue engineering

IMDEA Materials has developed technologies to manufacture scaffolds made of biodegradable polymers (PCL, PLA, PLGA, etc), biodegradable metals (Mg and Zn) and their composites for tissue engineering (see Fig. 1 below). The main advantage of this technology is that it allows designing scaffolds with

Scientific Highlight: Ultrafast processing of advanced metallic materials

IMDEA Materials has developed technologies for ultrafast processing of advanced metallic materials in a thermo-mechanical simulator (GLEEBLE 3800). They allow to precisely control the thermo-mechanical processing at high heating/cooling rates, as well as at high strain rate plastic deformation.

Modelling and simulation of Hydrogen embrittlement

Europe’s commitment to reach carbon neutrality by 2050 is strongly pushing renewable energy sources and hydrogen has emerged as a versatile and environmentally friendly mean to store and transport clean energy. The large-scale usage of hydrogen has prompted new challenges in the core electrochemical

Fire retardant battery materials

IMDEA Materials is working on new battery materials that combine electrochemical integrity and enhanced fire safety. Fig. 1 below shows a fully solid-state battery based on a HKUST-1 MOF modified electrolyte with simultaneously improved electrochemical performance and fire safety was successfully

(FUNMAT) Functionally Metalized Nanocellulose For Future Smart Materials

Funding: H2020. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships Region: European Project period: 2021 – 2024 Principal Investigator: Dr. Ahmed Said Azizi Samir ( Designing at the nanoscale is a promising and challenging strategy to innovate new building-block

Sustainable, fire safe phase change materials

IMDEA Materials can design and prepare novel Phase Change Materials (PCMs) for thermal energy storage applications that: are prepared in an easy and green pathway and, at the same time, have high mechanical performance, fire safety, form stability, phase transition enthalpy, and thermal

3D printing of structural composites by using recycled fibers

Due to the rapid growth in the use of composite materials, environmental concerns have become an increasingly influential topic, making recyclability of composite materials a key issue. Furthermore, several related EU laws have been passed to minimize the environmental impact of composite structures

(Europa Redes y Gestores) Oficina de Proyectos Europeos IMDEA Materiales

Funding: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. Europa Redes y Gestores - Europa Centros Tecnológicos 2020Region: NationalProject period: 2021 – 2022Principal Investigator: Miguel Ángel Rodiel ( Grant aimed at providing research organizations with the

First Year Assessment de Alvaro Méndez titulado «Harder and tougher AlTi(B)N coatings deposited by HiPIMS for high temperature applications» – 1 de febrero, 2021, a las 12:00.

Abstract: A novel series of multilayered nanocomposite materials based on the AlTiN system with high Al content and the addition of B as the successful element for obtaining the amorphous phase are presented. The coatings were grown using co-deposition reactive HiPIMS from an alloyed TiAl(X)

AI-guided smart manufacturing of structural composites

Manufacturing in the EU is crucial, given that it is one of the main drivers in innovation, job creation and sustainable growth. It involves almost 2,000,000 companies that provide approximately 28.5 million jobs. Therefore, its impact is significant in terms of economic share, with it being ~18% of


Clústeres, Plataformas y Asociaciones Internacionales Advanced Materials Initiative 2030 (AMI2030) Batteries European Partnership Association

DELIGHTED holds first progress meeting

The DELIGHTED project partners held their first online progress meeting on January 25, 2021. The outcomes of research activities were presented and discussed. The research plans for the next 6 months were updated.

Quo Vadis Biogenic Phosphors?

La revista LED professional publica un artículo sobre los objetivos del proyecto ARTIBLED en su edición de Diciembre (página 64). LED professional publicará también los principales resultados que se obtengan a lo largo del proyecto .

National Geographic se hace eco de la investigación de IMDEA Materiales sobre estructuras biodegradables impresas en 3D para regeneración ósea

Un equipo de ingenieros españoles ha conseguido crear un andamio basado en magnesio que permite recomponer grandes fragmentos óseos. El nuevo dispositivo, en fase de estudio, no es tóxico, es biodegradable y no genera rechazo. Además, permite la regeneración del tejido sin complicaciones por lo que

La noche Europea de los investigadores en Madrid

Investigadores de los 7 institutos IMDEA hablarán de grandes investigadoras que han sido o podrían ser protagonistas en la gran pantalla. Nuestras compañeras Monica Echeverry Rendon y Eugenia Nieto Valeiras serán las protagonistas de este gran encuentro. Tendrá lugar el 27 de noviembre de

First Year Assessment de Xiaolu Li, titulado «Highly-sensitive Flame-retardant Smart Sensor for Early Warning Fire Detection to Polymer-based Materials» – 23 de noviembre a las 14:30 hr

Resumen: Fire hazard is one of the major disasters that threaten public safety seriously. Once a fire occurs, the fire will spread quickly along some flammable materials, which bring much difficulty to control the fire. The fire hazard will cause casualties, considerable property loss and medical

Defensa de Tesis Doctoral de Yunfu Ou titulado «Hybrid FRP/CNT veil hierarchical composites with enhanced interlaminar properties and integrated multifunctionalities» – 20 de noviembre, 2020

La Defensa Doctoral tendrá lugar el 20 de noviembre a las 12:00 hr. La asistencia será a modo remoto. La disertación se titula "High Strain Rate Mechanical Behavior of Advanced High Strength Steels" Abstract: While FRP composites are extensively used in structural components due to their

Los resultados del proyecto MSCA IF ENERYARN sobre tejidos multifuncionales de CNTs han sido destacados por la Comisión Europea

En el proyecto MSCA IF ENERYARN , Dr. Anastasiia Mikhalchan trabajó en el desarrollo de estrategias para estirar hilos de nanotubos de carbono (CNTs) y en nuevas formas de estudiar materiales compuestos capaces de almacenar energía. Los nuevos métodos trataron el problema del alineamiento de las

(SiNERGY) Silicon nanowire fabrics for high energy density batteries

Project details Funding: ERC Proof of Concept, Horizon 2020 Programme (Grant Agreement 963912) Partners: IMDEA Materials Institute Project period: 01/10/2020 – 31/03/2022 Researcher Dr. Juan José Vilatela  Abstract Meeting European energy storage in transport, stationary and emerging

Anastasiia Mikhalchan

"We developed a method to enhance mutual alignment and stress-transfer in multiyarn CNT fabrics, which is a critical step for scaling up the CNT fabrics manufacturing process and further industrial implementation." Dr. Anastasiia Mikhalchan graduated from the Saint-Petersburg State University of

Semana de la ciencia y la Innovación de Madrid en IMDEA Materiales

Un año más, IMDEA Materiales estará presente en la Semana de la Ciencia y la Innovación de Madrid, que se celebrará del 2 al 15 de noviembre de 2020. Este año las actividades serán de forma «online» con la siguiente temática: “Retos de la impresión 3D de materiales compuestos de alta resistencia”

Newsletter suscription

Let's connect Keep up with IMDEA Materials updates NEWSLETTER Data controllerFUNDACIÓN IMDEA MATERIALES with legal address at C/Eric Kandel, 2 – Tecnogetafe – 28906 Getafe (Madrid). Purpose: To manage your subscription to our newsletter and send it periodically. Your rights:

Juan José Vilatela habla en RNE acerca de los electrodos basados en silicio desarrollados en su grupo

Juan José Vilatela, líder del grupo de Nanocompuestos Multifuncionales y reciente beneficiario de una Beca Proof of Concept del European Research Council, habla en el programa “Marca España” de RNE, sobre el potencial de los electrodos de silicio desarrollados en su grupo para aplicaciones de

Arranca el proyecto ENTENTE

El proyecto ENTENTE (Base de datos europea para la modelización multiescala de los daños por radiación) ha comenzado el 1 de septiembre de 2020 y durará 48 meses. El objetivo de este proyecto es diseñar una nueva base de datos europea de materiales experimentales/modelos para recoger y almacenar


Funding: European Union, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships, Horizon 2020 Programme (Grant Agreement 895931)                                                                                                                                                                                     


  Funding: H2020. European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) Region: European Project period: 2020 – 2024 Partners: Centro de Investigaciones energéticas, medioambientales y tecnológicas-CIEMAT (Project Coordinator), Fundación IMDEA Materiales, Bay Zoltan Alkalmazott Kutatasi Kozhasznu nonprofit

Defensa de Tesis Doctoral de Elisa Fresta titulado «Más allá de los emisores tradicionales en células electroquímicas emisoras de luz» – 9 de septiembre, 2020

La Defensa Doctoral tendrá lugar el 9 de septiembre a las 10:00 hr, en la Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (UAM). La asistencia será a modo remoto. La disertación se titula "Más allá de los emisores tradicionales en células electroquímicas emisoras de luz". Ha sido supervisada por el Dr. Rubén

Defensa de Tesis Doctoral de Barbara Bellón titulado «Multiscale Experimental Characterization and Modelling Validation of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Engineering Alloys» – 8 de septiembre, 2020

La Defensa Doctoral tendrá lugar el 8 de septiembre a las 16:00 hr, en la "Sala Verde" (1ª planta) de "ETSI Caminos Canales y Puertos" La disertación se titula "Multiscale Experimental Characterization and Modelling Validation of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Engineering Alloys".

IMDEA Materiales coordina el nuevo proyecto DELIGHTED

El objetivo del proyecto DELIGHTED es obtener una comprensión fundamental de los principios del diseño microestructural para la ingeniería de aceros ligeros austeníticos en perspectiva para alcanzar la combinación de propiedades mecánicas y de rendimiento adecuadas para las aplicaciones

MULTI-FAM, el nuevo proyecto en marcha

El proyecto MULTI-FAM plantea la combinación de materiales con diferentes funcionalidades, el proceso de fabricación aditiva por deposición directa con láser (DED) y la simulación termodinámica y de proceso, como tecnologías facilitadoras para obtener piezas 3D multi-material y multifuncional para

Seminarios web sobre las propiedades dinámicas de los compuestos.

A lo largo de julio organizaremos 4 seminarios web en el marco del proyecto DYNACOMP: 8, 15, 22 y 29 de julio Esta serie de cuatro seminarios web gratuitos tiene como objetivo proporcionar a los ingenieros e investigadores especializados en el campo un rápido conocimiento del estado del arte con

DELIGHTED celebrates kick-off meeting

The kick-off meeting of the DELIGHTED project was held online on June 30, 2020. The main objectives of the meeting were to get the consortium members on the same page and off to a good start, and to discuss the research activities within the first six months of the project.


Intranet The project Triggered by environmental issues, the EU market has a strong interest in development of low-cost and lightweight heavy gauge steels for various applications. The austenitic Fe–Al–Mn–C quaternary alloys have recently been attracting tremendous attention, as they can