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Patente concedida al Instituto IMDEA Materiales

La patente concedida, con número de publicación ES2342962, protege la invención que consiste en un nuevo procedimiento para la fabricación controlada de la fase beta estable a temperatura y presión ambientales en los metales de transición puros del grupo IV

Observando los metales en vivo y en directo

Researchers at IMDEA materials Institute are investigating the in-situ deformation of metallic materials using a tensile testing micromachine coupled to a scanning electron microscope (Fig. 1a). This device allows to analyze in real time, the deformation, recrystallization and fracture mechanisms

Sistema de Correlación Digital de Imágenes

El Instituto IMDEA Materiales acaba de instalar un nuevo sistema de Correlación Digital de Imágenes para obtener el campo total de desplazamientos mediante un sistema óptico de cámaras estereográficas.

Deformación in-situ de aleaciones de Mg

Este dispositivo permite analizar en tiempo real los mecanismos de deformación, recristalización y fractura operativos en estos materiales en distintas condiciones de temperatura y velocidad de deformación. Por tanto, permite obtener información muy valiosa acerca de las

Optimización de fibras poliméricas de altas prestaciones

Las fibras de PBO (p-fenilenbenzobisoxazol) son fibras poliméricas altamente anisotrópicas que debido a sus excelentes propiedades, tales como elevada resistencia, rigidez y baja densidad, son idóneas para aplicaciones estructurales de alto rendimiento. La estructura

Breaking very small things…

Constitutive equations are mathematical models that describe the mechanical behaviour of materials until rupture. They are necessary in the component design and validation processes and, in particular, they are critical to predict failure and assess the structural integrity. Accurate constitutive

Proyectos de Matrícula de Honor

Los proyectos presentados fueron: Ensayos de adhesión de intercaras en materiales compuestos Genoveva Kelly dirigido por J. Molina); Implementación y calibración de la ley de dependencia con la velocidad de deformación en un modelo constitutivo de plasticidad para la

El proyecto fin de carrera de Carlos Cabeza premio FOINDESA 2010

Carlos Cabeza Barrantes, ha sido galardonado con el Premio FOINDESA 2010 al mejor proyecto Fin de Carrera en la Especialidad de Equipos y Materiales Aeroespaciales de la EUITA (UPM). El proyecto "Aplicación de la nanoindentación en caracterización de composites

Simulación para desarrollar los aviones del futuro

Investigadores de IMDEA Materiales y del Departamento de Ciencia de Materiales de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), miembros del programa ESTRUMAT (Materiales Estructurales Avanzados), participan en el proyecto europeo MAAXIMUS, que se centra en el desarrollo de nuevas

Modelización computacional de aleaciones de Magnesio

By comparison with other metals such as Aluminum or Steel, Magnesium alloys present the remarkable advantage of having a very high specific strength. They are thus becoming increasingly relevant to industries within the automotive or aerospace sectors, as the incorporation of these alloys in

Ver es creer: tomografía de Rayos-X asistida por ordenador

Polymer matrix composites are currently used in many structural applications that require a significant reduction in weight for energy and/or environmental reasons. However, despite all existing information and actual knowledge about these materials, their complex mechanical behaviour (highly

Nano-manufacturing multifunctional ultrathin fibers

IMDEA Materials is currently manufacturing this technology in combination with nanoparticles in four diverse areas: Water treatment/purification: the objective is to achieve high flux and low fouling membranes to incorporate in a cross-flow filtration device. Functional nanoparticles (like

Ensayos en el Synchrotron de Berlin

Investigadores del grupo de Física de Metales de IMDEA Materiales, llevarán a cabo ensayos en el BESSY II (“Berlin Synchrotron Radiation Facility”) en el “Helmholtz-Center for Materials and Energy” de Berlin. La radiación de Synchrotron se usará

"Tecnogetafe" ya es una realidad

El Ayuntamiento de Getafe ha comunicado que el Parque Empresarial Tecnogetafe "es ya una realidad" gracias a la instalación inmediata de cuatro empresas, además de una Fundación para la Investigación de Materiales (IMDEA-Materiales). Enlace a texto completo en

MIT Students internship at IMDEA Materials

Speaking about his stay, Vibin Kundukulam said to the MIT Spain Newsletter: “It was amazing to see how Spain, as well as other countries in the EU, is beginning to build up a massive center of science and innovation at the interface between the government and industry. At IMDEA, I had the

Hacia una nueva generación de materiales

Los átomos de los metales están dispuestos de forma ordenada en las llamadas redes cristalinas. La geometría de éstas varía para cada material y es función de la temperatura y la presión. Así, a temperatura ambiente y presión

IMDEA-materiales avanza en su plan de internacionalizar la actividad investigadora en la región de Madrid mediante la contratación de dos nuevos científicos con un amplio perfil internacional

Dra. Teresa Pérez Prado, Doctora en Física, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1998. Dr. Pérez Prado fue contratada en la Universidad de California en San Diego como investigador postdoctoral en 1998. También trabajó como consultor en la Universidad Estatal de

The Board of Trustees approves the strategic plan of the Institute

The Board of Trustees of the Institute met at the provisional site of the Institute on May 22nd and approved the Strategic Plan of the Institute for the period 2007 - 2011. The Strategic Plan includes the main research lines to be developed by the Institute researches, the organization and the human

Four new scientists join IMDEA-Materials

Following the recommendations of the Scientific Committee, four new scientists have joined IMDEA-materials to develop the research lines of the Institute. Dr. Alf A. Zhu (Ph D in Materials Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1993) held a senior position at the University of Virginia. He has

Presentación inaugural de IMDEA Materiales

IMDEA-Materiales es uno de los primeros en iniciar la andadura de un conjunto de centros de investigación de excelencia que, agrupados en torno a fundaciones IMDEA, promueve la Comunidad de Madrid, en colaboración con las universidades madrileñas. Su fin es desarrollar

Inauguración de la sede provisional de IMDEA – Materiales

El próximo 30 de octubre tendrá lugar la inauguración de la sede provisional del Instituto Madrileño de Estudios Avanzados en Materiales (IMDEA-materiales) y la presentación del programa científico y de los objetivos del Instituto para los próximos

IMDEA-materials has been granted its first European project

The collaborative project MAAXIMUS (More Affordable Aircraft through eXtended, Integrated and Mature nUmerical Sizing) presented to the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Union has been granted. IMDEA-materials is one of the research centers in a consortium of 58 partners from 18 countries

Airbus Spain has awarded its first research contract to IMDEA-materials

Airbus Spain has awarded its first research contract to IMDEA-materials for the simulation of multi-angular mechanical tests on prepreg composite coupons. This study will be launched as a preliminary evaluation for the future project that will be realized within the framework of the European project

Prof. S. Suresh awarded 2007 European Materials Medal

Subra Suresh, Ford Professor of Engineering, former head of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at MIT and member of the Board of Trustees of IMDEA-materiales, is the recipient of the 2007 European Materials Medal from the Federation of European Materials Societies (FEMS). Suresh is

Diseñar materiales avanzados de manera más rápida y efectiva

El proyecto DIMMAT de la Comunidad de Madrid, coordinado por Teresa Pérez (Diseño, Procesado y Desarrollo de Aleaciones) ha publicado la noticia "Diseñar materiales avanzados de manera más rápida y efectiva" en la revista industrial "Metales y Metalurgia" Más información en nuestra página


Funding: Airbus Operations SAS Region: Industrial Project period: 2012 – 2014 Principal Investigator: Drs. Carlos Gonzalez ( and Dr. Cláudio Lopes ( Fiber-Reinforced Polymers (FRP) are nowadays extensively used in applications where


Funding: ACCIONA Infraestructuras S.A.Region: SpainProject period: 2014 – 2016Principal Investigator: Dr. Juan Pedro Fernández ( is an industrial contract between ACCIONA Infraestructuras and IMDEA Materials Institute to to characterize the viscoelastic properties


Funding Organisation: Marie Curie Action-CIG, 7th Framework ProgrammeRegion: Europe Project Period: 2012 – 2016Principal Investigator: Dr. Juan José Vilatela ( subject of this project is the production and study of new composites with multifunctional properties,


Funding Organization: Marie Curie Action-CIG, 7th Framework ProgrammeRegion: EuropeProject Period: 2013 – 2017Principal Investigator: Dr. Roberto Guzmán de VilloriaFiber-reinforced polymers (FRP’s), stronger per unit of weight than steel or aluminium, are highly demanded for high-performance


Funding Organization: Marie Curie Action-CIG, 7th Framework ProgrammeRegion: EuropeProject Period: 2012 – 2016Principal Investigator: Dr. De-Yi Wang ( retardants can significantly improve the fire safety of the materials leading to enhance security and reduction of risks in


Funding Organization: AIRBUS OPERATIONS S. L.Industrial Sector: AerospaceRegion: InternationalProject Period: 2013 – 2015Principal Investigators: Dr. Juan José Vilatela ( and Dr. Juan Pedro Fernández( is an industrial contract between

(CUCCOMP) Development of Cu-C metal matrix composites

Funding: China Scholarship CouncilRegion: InternationalProject period: 2014 – 2015Principal Investigator: Prof. José Manuel Torralba ( Copper-Carbon metal matrix composites will be developed under three different approaches in relationship with the raw materials


Funding: AIRBUS OPERATIONS S. L.Region: IndustrialProject period: 2013 – 2014Principal Investigator: Dr. Roberto Guzmán de VilloriaECURE is an industrial contract between AIRBUS OPERATIONS S. L. and IMDEA Materials Institute to explore the potential of a new kind of non-circular continuous carbon


Funding: G.D. of Universities and Research, Madrid Regional GovernmentRegion: RegionalProject period: 2010 – 2013Partners: Rey Juan Carlos University (Coordinator), Polytechnic University of Madrid, Carlos III University of Madrid and Complutense University of Madrid.Principal Investigator: Dr.


Funding: CDTI-MICNN (CENIT Programme 2010) and ACCIONA Infraestructuras Region: National Project period: 2011 – 2013 Principal Investigator: Dr. Federico Sket ( Self‐healing is a very attractive concept if the field of structural materials that is under study for a


Funding: Airbus Operations S.L. Region: Industrial Project period: 2011 – 2013 Principal Investigator: Dr. Carlos González ( This R&D project aims at developing new processing routes for manufacturing not fully cured RTM parts able to be post-cured and


Funding: Eurocopter España S.A.Region: IndustrialProject period: 2013 – 2013Principal Investigator: Dr. Roberto Guzmán de VilloriaThe goal of this research collaboration is to identify and select new material concepts for possible use and incorporation into the future rear fuselages which operate at


Funding Organisation: European Union, 7th Framework Programme (Cooperation, NMP Theme)Region: EuropeProject Period: 2010 – 2013Partners: The research consortium is led by COEXPAIR S.A. (Belgium), and comprises EADS France IW, Nanocyl S.A., Alstom, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Výzkumný a zkušební


Funding: CDTI (CENIT 2009 Programme) and National Consortium Region: IndustrialProject period: 2010 – 2011Partners: National consortium of companies (CESA, Sener, Indra, Aernnova, ARESA, among other companies of the aerospace sector) and several research organizations.Principal Investigator: Drs.


Funding: ERA-Net MATERA, 6th Framework ProgrammeRegion: InternationalProject period: 2008 – 2011Partners: The research consortium is led by IMDEA Materials Institute and includes two manufacturers of composite materials and components (Secar from Austria and Gamesa from Spain) and two research


Funding: CDTI-MICNN (CENIT Programme 2010) and GamesaRegion: NationalProject period: 2011 – 2011Partners: Gamesa (coordinator), Alstom Wind, Acciona Windpower, Iberdrola Renovables, Acciona Energía, Técnicas Reunidas, Ingeteam, Ingeciber, Imatia, Tecnitest Ingenieros and DIgSILENT Ibérica. Plus 22


Funding: CDTI (CENIT Programme 2008)Region: SpainProject period: 2019 – 2012Principal Investigator: Dr. Carlos Gonzalez ( collaborative Research project funded by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) within the fourth call of the Programme


Partners: Collaboration between IMDEA Materials Institute and the Polytechnic University of Madrid (Biologic Materials y Biomaterials Group of the Materials Science Department)Funding Organisation: IMDEA Materials Institute and UPMIndustrial sector: MultisectorialRegion: SpainProject period: 2010  –


Partners: Aernnova Engineering Solutions Ibérica S.A.Funding Organisation: Madrid Regional Government (IMADE) and Aernnova Engineering Solutions Ibérica S.A.Industrial Sector: AerospaceRegion: Madrid (Spain) Project Period: 2009 – 2010Principal Investigator: Dr. Javier Segurado