The project
Funding: Gobierno de la Comunidad de Madrid, Programa Sinérgico 2020
Region: Madrid
Project period: 2021 – 2024
Principal Investigators: Jon Mikel Molina Aldareguia (
«i-MPLANTS-CM», printing of metamaterials with shapememory alloys and functional gradients of properties for a new generation of intelligent implants, pusues, as main objective, the development of a new generation of intelligent implants, which will be implanted through minimally invasive procedures and will be able to evolve geometrically with the patients, shifting their shapes, according to the healing, growth and ageing processes. To this end, it is necessary to investigate and develop principles and techniques for the desing and additive manufacturing of metamaterials, using shape memory alloys as raw materials and employing functional gradients, whose innovative structures, biomechanical properties and metamorphic abilities will enable novel interactions with patients.
The advances of i-MPLANTS-CM are illustrated with case studies from the cardiovascular realm, by means of designs, prototyping and validation trials of real implants including: unconventional stents for the personalized treatment of complex aneurysms in arterial bifurcations and minimally invasive artificial heart valves with shape morphing capabilities.
News and events

Implantes inteligentes para cirugías de mínima invasión
Comenzamos a trabajar con la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid en el proyecto iMPLANTS-CM (Impresión de
Feature Item 3
Feature Item 3 content

The Product Development Laboratory of the Technical University of Madrid (LDP-UPM) was founded by Professor Pilar Lafont Morgado in 1997 and, in its more than 20 years of existence, has been dedicated to supporting multiple research, development, innovation, technology transfer and teaching in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the UPM.
The LDP-UPM provides experience in developing medical devices based on smart materials, the use of 4D printing techniques and the design and manufacture of metamaterials. It is also a pioneering team in the field of open source medical devices. In the last ten years, the LDP-UPM’s research has been focused on developing innovative medical devices based on the use of smart materials and biomimetic geometries by 3D and 4D printing to obtain advanced diagnostic or therapeutic functionalities. During this time, the LDP-UPM has contributed to the success of 30 research projects, with Prof. Díaz Lantada as PI on 20 of them.
Team members:
- Prof. Andrés Díaz Lantada, Coordinator.
- Dr. Juan Manuel Muñoz Guijosa, Professor.
- Dr. Miroslav Vasic, Professor.

IMDEA Materials Institute (IMDEA) is a non-profit research institute (~120 researchers) devoted to carry out research in Materials Science and Engineering in Madrid (Spain). IMDEA is committed to the excellence in research and to foster technology transfer to the industrial sector. IMDEA holds a well-established international reputation in the areas of processing, microstructural analysis, characterization and multiscale modelling of advanced materials for applications in transport, energy and information technology as well as on the exploration of emerging materials and processes for sustainable development. Research activities and technology transfer to industry at IMDEA is carried out within the framework of research projects funded by national or international organizations or directly through contracts with industry. Currently, IMDEA participates in 50 EU research projects (11 as a coordinator) and has 70 direct R&D contracts with industrial companies.
The main research activities of IMDEA Materials Institute within frame of the i-MPLANTS project focus on additive manufacturing with high performance materials and active alloys.
Team members:
- Prof. Jon Molina-Aldareguia, Principal Investigator (PI).
- Dr. Muzi Li, researcher.
Funded by
The project Y2020/BIO-6756 i-MPLANTS-CM runs from 01/07/2021 to 30/06/2024.

Contact us
IMDEA Materials Institute (project Coordinator)
Eric Kandel, 2 Tecnogetafe
28906, Getafe, Madrid (Spain)
Phone: (+34) 91 549 34 22
Fax: (+34) 91 550 30 47