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Seminario del Dr. Christian Leinenbach de EMPA (Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science & Technology), (Zurich), titulado «Microstructure control during laser additive manufacturing – what possibilities do we have?”” – A las 15:30 hr en la Sala de Seminarios

Abstract: During the last couple years, laser-based additive manufacturing (AM) technologies such as laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) and directed energy deposition (DED) have evolved from a mere prototyping technology to a real production technology that allow building parts with intricate 3D


Funding: China Scholarship CouncilRegion: InternationalProject period: 2016 – 2020Principal Investigator: Drs. Juan José Vilatela( and Carlos González( project deals with the development of strategies to integrate macroscopic fibres and


Funding: China Scholarship CouncilRegion: InternationalProject period: 2015 – 2019Principal Investigator: Dr. De-Yi Wang ( objective of this investigation is to develop high performance reinforced fire-retardant polymers via special molecular design, chemical functionalization

Seminario del Dr. Lorenzo Malerba, de CIEMAT, titulado “On the radiation-induced origin of hardening and embrittlement in nuclear steels” – A las 12:30 hr en la Sala de Seminarios

Abstract: Predicting the changes in macroscopic properties of steels subjected to irradiation is key for the improved and long term safety of nuclear power plants. Because of the Inherent complexity of the processes involved, this is a long-lasting challenge for nuclear materials science.

First Year Assessment de Qi Wang titulado “Design and preparation of nanocarbon/epoxy nanocomposites with advanced flame retardancy and mechanical performance” – En la Sala de Seminarios a las 12:00 hr

Resumen: Efforts were paid to obtain nanocarbon/epoxy composites with advanced flame retardancy and mechanical performance, and try to understand the mechanisms. In the first part of the work, when 20 wt% ammonium polyphosphate (APP) in the chosen flame-retardant APP/epoxy composite was replaced by

Seminario del Prof. Kostas Danas, de la Universidad «Ecole Polytechnique» (Paris), titulado“Microstructured Magnetorheological Elastomers and Instabilities” – A las 12:00 hr en la Sala de Seminarios

Absract: Magnetorheological elastomers (MREs) are ferromagnetic particle impregnated rubbers whose mechanical properties are altered by the application of external magnetic fields. In addition, these composite materials can deform at very large strains due to the presence of the soft polymeric

First Year Assessment de Richard Schaeufele titulado “Synthesis and Characterisation of Inorganic Nanowires and their Assembly into Macroscopic Structures” – En la Sala de Seminarios a las 12:00 hr

Abstract: SiNWs, which are rod-like structures with diameters between 1-100nm and lengths of up to several tenths of micrometers, are an auspicious approach to enhance solar cells, thermoelectric devices and energy storage devices. Their extremely high aspect ratio (classifi ed as 1D material)

Un artículo firmado por investigadores de IMDEA Materiales, elegido como el mejor del año 2018 por la principal asociación internacional de científicos e ingenieros de materiales

El Instituto IMDEA Materiales ha recibido un nuevo premio. Esta vez, un artículo firmado por algunos de sus científicos ha sido elegido como el mejor de los publicados en la revista internacional JOM. La revista JOM es el órgano de comunicación de la TMS, The Minerals, Metals & Materials

First Year Assessment de Abdumalik Yusuf titulado “Study of the influence of phosphorus based flame retardants on the flammability, thermal and electrochemical properties of gel polymer electrolytes» – En la Sala de Seminarios a las 12:00 hr

RESUMEN: Today, almost every portable device is powered by a lithium ion battery. Despite the wide use of lithium ion batteries, they suffer from serious safety issues. Gel polymer electrolytes (GPEs) are one of the most promising candidates to solve safety issues such as fire and liquid

Nueva beca del European Reseach Council

Rubén Costa, jefe del grupo de investigación en Materiales y Dispositivos Optoelectrónicos Híbridos en IMDEA Materiales, acaba de recibir una beca del European Reseach Council. Estas ayudas permiten a los mejores científicos Europeos establecer o fortalecer sus equipos de investigación y ser

First Year Assessment de Donfeng Shi titulado “Influence of alloying additions on the deformation mechanisms of Mg-X binary alloys”– En la Sala de Seminarios a las 12:00 hr

Abstract Magnesium is an attractive metal for various technological applications due to its low density (23% of steel and 66% of aluminum) and availability. Applications of magnesium in the automotive and aerospace industries aim for weight reduction and enhanced fuel efficiency. However,

3ª Edición de los Premios a la Innovación de IMDEA Materials

La 3ª edición de los Premios a la Innovación de IMDEA Materiales se celebró el 28 de noviembre en el Auditorio de sus instalaciones. Cada una de las 5 candidaturas tuvo la oportunidad de dar una presentación de 10 minutos para explicar / defender, frente al panel de evaluación y al resto de los

Jennifer Patterson

INTERESES DE INVESTIGACIÓN CARRERA ACADÉMICA HONORES Y PREMIOS COMITÉS Y ACTIVIDADES PROFESIONALES Las actividades e intereses de investigación de la Dra. Patterson incluyen (1) la síntesis de nuevos biomateriales,

Los mejores en China, los mejores en España

Los Doctores Xiaomin Zhao y Lingwei Yang han recibido el premio a la mejor Tesis Doctoral por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) en el curso académico 2016-2017. Su trabajo en nuestro centro ha estado apoyado por el China Scholarship Council y ha sido co-dirigido por el Dr. De-Yi Wang y el

First Year Assessment de Mostafa Barzegar, titulado “Multiscale Computational Mechanics of Hybrid & Non-hybrid Composites” – En la Sala de Seminarios a las 11:00 hr

Abstract: This study aims to increase the understanding of the tensile failure of unidirectional hybrid and non-hybrid composite when subjected to tensile loadings. To achieve this goal several models with increasing complexity have been developed and implemented and the effects of tensile loading

First Year Assessment de Xaquín Rodiles titulado “Molecular and chirality control of CNTs synthesized via FCCVD process”– En la Sala de Seminarios a las 12:00 hr

 ABSTRACT  Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been a focus of nanomaterial research over the past two decades, due to their wide range of potential applications. In recent years, studies have shown a high degree of molecular control of CNTs in terms of number of layer, morphology and alignment, as well

Damien Tourret

«Dendritic microstructures are present in nearly every piece of metal around us» Damien Tourret received an MSc in Mechanical Engineering from INSA Toulouse (France) in 2006 and a PhD in Materials Science & Engineering from École des Mines de Paris (Mines ParisTech, France) in 2009. Before

First Year Assessment de Clara Galera, titulado “Additive manufacturing of high strength aluminum alloys with ZrH2 addition” – En la Sala de Seminarios a las 12:00 hr

Abstract Additive manufacturing (AM) is a layer by layer process that has the potential to disrupt traditional fabrication methods. It allows fast manufacturing of three dimensional pieces from metallic powders, with great exibility of design, potential for weight reduction, fast production speed

First Year Assessment de Alejandro Rodríguez, titulado “Analysis of the nucleation and growth mechanisms of fatigue cracks in Ni-based superalloys” – En la Sala de Seminarios a las 16:30 hr

Abstract: Ni-based superalloys play an extremely important role in the aerospace industry due to their outstanding strength and chemical stability at high temperature. Most demanded components employed in jet engines are manufactured with these novel materials. Several statistical studies confirm

First Year Assessment de Cristina Gutierrez, titulado “Third generation γ-TiAl alloys for greener turbines: heat treatment and microstructure characterization” – En la Sala de Seminarios a las 12:00 pm

ABSTRACT The previous design of engines used for commercial aircrafts fan and turbine were driven with same shaft; new geared engines decouple fan and the low pressure turbine increasing angular velocity, and also centrifugal forces, so a change from conventional superalloy blades to lighter ones

First Year Assessment de Carmen Fernández, titulado “Rigid fluorescent protein coatings for highly efficient and stable bio-hybrid LEDs” – En la Sala de Seminarios a las 12:00 pm

Abstract Additive manufacturing (AM) is a layer by layer process that has the potential to disrupt traditional fabrication methods. It allows fast manufacturing of three dimensional pieces from metallic powders, with great exibility of design, potential for weight reduction, fast production speed

IMDEA Materials Institute Interview – Rocío Muñoz Moreno

Rocío Muñoz Moreno finished her joint PhD (IMDEA Materials and UCM III) in 2014. Then she joined the Cambridge University's Rolls-Royce UTC (University Technology Centre) as postdoc and currently, she is working in the HP 3D printing team in Barcelona as an R&D Materials System Integration

IMDEA Materials Institute Alumni Interview – Arcadio Varona​

Arcadio Varona finished his PhD at IMDEA Materials in 2016, under the supervision of Ilchat Sabirov and Teresa Pérez Prado. Later on, he joined GRUPO ANTOLIN-EUROTRIM as quality engineer. Starting this interview, would you explain us how your scientific vocation born? When and why did you take the


Funding: Centre for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI, CIEN programme), Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and Grupo AntolínPartners: National consortium led by Grupo Antolín. IMDEA Materials Institute collaborates with Grupo AntolínRegion: SpainProject period: 2015 –


Funding: AIRBUS Operations S.L. and CDTI (CIEN 2014 programme) Region: Spain Project period: 2014 – 2017 Principal Investigator: Dr. Carlos González ( ONLINE-RTM is a research collaboration between IMDEA Materials and AIRBUS Operations aiming at analysing sensor


Funding: Regional Government of MadridPartners: IMDEA Materials Institute (Project Coordinator), National Centre for Metals Research (CSIC), Materials Science Institute of Madrid (CSIC), Institute For Nuclear Fusion of the Technical University of Madrid, Technical University of Madrid, Carlos III


Funding Organization: EADS CASA Espacio / F4E Region: International​ Project Period: 2012 – 2017 Principal Investigator: Dr.Carlos González Contact: ITER (acronym of International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) is an international nuclear fusion research


The Project Commercialization of the Quenched and Partitioned (Q&P) steels to a large extent is currently limited by the lack of knowledge on their application related performance properties. The OptiQPAP project (Optimization of QP steels designed for industrial applications) addresses


Structural energy harvesting composite materials     ​Funding: European Union, Horizon 2020 Programme (Grant Agreement 678565). ERC Starting grantRegion: EuropeProject period: 2016 – 2021Principal Investigator: Dr. Juan José Vilatela ( purpose of this project is the


Funding: European Union, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships, Horizon 2020 Programme (Grant Agreement 797176) Partners: IMDEA Materials Institute Project period: 2018 – 2020 Project Coordinador: Supervisor: Dr. Juan José Vilatela (; Fellow: Anastasiia


Funding: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (National R&D Programme for Societal Challenges) (RTC-2016-5076-3)​, thematic objective “Promotion of technological development, innovation and quality research”Partners: Arcelor Mittal (Project Coordinator), Technical University of Madrid


 Funding: European Union, Clean Sky Joint Undertaking 2, Horizon 2020 Programme (Grant Agreement 738085)Partners: Imperial College (Project Coordinator), Chalmers University of Technology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and IMDEA Materials InstituteRegion: EuropeProject period: 2017 –


Funding: Industria de Turbopropulsores S.A.Region: SpainProject period: 2017 – 2019Principal Investigator: Dr. Javier Segurado ( MICROMECH II project is the follow up of the Clean Sky MICROMECH project and is focused on the development of more elaborated micromechanical


Funding: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. M-ERA.NET Partners: DLR Institute of Materials Research (Project Coordinator), IMDEA Materials Institute, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft Zur Foerderung Der Angewandten Forschung E.V, Access e.v., Wigner Research Center for Physics, Procter & Gamble


Funding: Sanz ClimaRegion: SpainProject period: 2017 – 2018Principal Investigator: Dr. De-Yi Wang ( principal aim of this project is to find new material solutions as an alternative to polyester/GF composites for climate components in vehicles. These solutions should fulfil at


     ​Funding:  Fonds National de la Recherche LuxembourgRegion: InternationalProject period: 2018 – 2020Partners: IMDEA Materials Institute (Project Coordinator), e-XstreamPrincipal Investigator: Supervisor Dr. Javier Segurado (; Fellow: Marco Magri


  Funding: European Union, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships, Horizon 2020 Programme (Grant Agreement 795905) Partners: IMDEA Materials Institute Project period: 2018 – 2020 Project Coordinador: Supervisor: Dr. Rubén Costa (; Fellow: Julio Jacinto


Funding: European Union, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships, Horizon 2020 Programme (Grant Agreement 795658)Partners: IMDEA Materials InstituteProject period: 2019 – 2021Project Coordinador: Supervisor: Prof. Javier Llorca (; Fellow: Anxin Ma

Defensa de Tesis Doctoral de Alfonso Monreal titulado «Energy Harvesting Materials Based on Carbon Nanotube Fibre for Tough Electronics” supervisado por el Dr. Juan José Vilatela

La Defensa PhD tendrá lugar, a las 12 del mediodía, el próximo viernes (26 de octubre) en la sala verde, en la primera planta, de la Escuela de Ingenieros de Caminos, UPM (ETSI Caminos, Ciudad Universitaria)  La disertación se titula "Energy Harvesting Materials Based on Carbon Nanotube Fibre for

Seminario del Prof. Oana Cazacu, de la Universidad de Florida, titulado “New models for description of plastic anisotropy of single crystals and polycrystals” – A las 12:00 hr en la Sala de Seminarios

 Abstract:  It is presented a rigorous framework developed for formulation of constitutive models. Based on representation theory for tensor functions and scale-bridging theorems, this framework enables the development of constitutive models that account for the influence of crystallographic

Seminario del Prof. Jesus Barrio , de la Universidad Ben-Gurion (Israel), titulado “Rational Design of Carbon Nitride Materials by Supramolecular Preorganization of Monomers” – A las 11:00 hr en la Sala de Seminarios

Abstract Over the past few years, graphitic carbon nitride (g-CN) has attracted widespread attention due to its outstanding electronic properties, which have been exploited in various applications, including in photo- and electro-catalysis, heterogeneous catalysis, CO2 reduction, water splitting,

Seminario de la Prof. Irene J. Beyerlein ,de la Universidad de California de Santa Barbara, titulado “Discrete slip crystal plasticity modeling of deformation in nanolayered materials” – A las 12:30 hr en la Sala de Seminarios

Discrete slip crystal plasticity modeling of deformation in nanolayered materials Irene J. Beyerlein1, Tianju Chen2, Rui Yuan2, Caizhi Zhou2,3 1 Mechanical Engineering Department, Materials Department, University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara 93106, USA 2 Department of Materials

First Year Assessment de Venkata Sai, titulado “Nanoscale engineered electrode materials for high performance Lithium-ion batteries” – En la Sala de Seminarios a las 12:00 pm

Abstract Herein, highly ordered mesoporous pseudocapacitive electrodes for superior Li-ion storage are discussed. Hierarchical 1-D Co3O4nanorods of size ~20 nm with interfaces between the crystallites were synthesized using hydrothermal method followed by calcination. This 1D nanorods exhibited

Centro de investigación Sino-Español de Materiales Avanzados

El pasado 15 de Septiembre, nueve unidades de China y España (Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beihang University, The Going Global Confederation of China Petroleum & Chemical Industry, la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, el Instituto IMDEA Materiales, el Departamento de Innovación,

First Year Assessment of Clara Galera, entitle “Additive manufacturing of high strength aluminum alloys with ZrH2 addition” – In the Seminar Room at 12:00 pm

Abstract Additive manufacturing (AM) is a layer by layer process that has the potential to disrupt traditional fabrication methods. It allows fast manufacturing of three dimensional pieces from metallic powders, with great exibility of design, potential for weight reduction, fast production speed


En la segunda temporada de IMDEA-CSI, los investigadores de los Institutos IMDEA resolvieron un nuevo misterio, contando con la ayuda de algunos miembros del Cuerpo Nacional de Policía. Analizaron las pruebas recogidas en la escena del crimen para descubrir al asesino en esta actividad de La Noche

Seminario de Dr. Laszlo Sturz , de Access e.V. Intzestr (Alemania), titulado “Microgravity experiments on solidification” – A las 15:00 hr en la Sala de Seminarios

Abstract: Solidification is one of the major steps in producing parts from the molten material in casting, welding or additive manufacturing. On top of process optimization and simulation to obtain good mould filling and minimized defects, the quality of the cast parts depends strongly on the

First Year Assessment de Wenliang Feng, titulado “Na-ion Hybrid Energy Storage Devices Based on Nanoengineered Electrodes” – En la Sala de Seminarios a las 12:00 am

Abstract In this study, dimension control and nanostructure design were applied in developing electrode materials for superior Na-ion storage. Firstly, hierarchical Co3O4nanorods with increased number of interfaces between individual nanocrystallites were prepared for enhancing pseudocapacitance

First Year Assessment de Maria Azzurra, titulado “Intermediate strain rate testing methodologies for composite materials characterisation” – En la Sala de Seminarios a las 12:00 am

ABSTRACT: The main objective of this work is to create a physical platform for material characterization and parameter identification at macroscale as a function of applied strain rate, understanding how the strain rate affects the damage and mechanical response of three different composite material

Seminario del Prof. Piaras Kelly, de la Universidad de Auckland (NZ), titulado “Advanced Composite Materials: manufacturing quality products efficiently” – A las 12:00 hr en la Sala de Seminarios

Resumen: Advanced composite materials are now used in a wide range of industries, including aerospace, marine, construction, transport and recreational sport. The ever-increasing pressure on producing quality parts effectively and efficiently has led to many innovations over the years in

Elisa Fresta galardonada con el Premio a mejor Tesis de Máster

Elisa Fresta ha sido galardonada con el Premio a una de las mejores Tesis de Máster (año 2015/2016) de la Universidad de Turín. La tesis se desarrolló a cabo de forma conjunta en la Universidad de Turín y la Universidad de Erlangen-Nuremberg bajo la supervisión de la Profesora Claudia Barolo y el

First Year Assessment de Mario Rueda titulado “Nanoindentation impact testing methodologies for the high strain rate characterization of materials at the microscale” – En la Sala de Seminarios a las 09:30 am

Abstract: In view of the future application of polymer matrix composites for structural components subjected to impact loads, there is a need for development of experimentally calibrated constitutive models for polymers that include their inherent viscoelastic and viscoplastic behavior. These

Defensa de Tesis Doctoral – Zhi Li ”Ignition Delaying and Smoke Suppression Study of Fire-Retardant Polymer Composites”, supervisado por el Dr. De-Yi Wang

El trabajo de Ph.D se titula "Estudio de retardo de ignición y supresión de humo de compuestos de polímero ignífugos" bajo la supervisión del Dr. De-Yi Wang. Tendrá lugar a las 12:00 p.m. (16 de julio) en la "Sala de seminarios" de ETS de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos (ETSI Caminos,

Seminario del Dr. Lukas Helfen, de Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, titulado “Synchrotron Laminography: A Technique for In situ Observation of Damage and its Evolution Inside Engineering Materials ” – A las 13:00 hr en la Sala de Seminarios

Synchrotron Laminography: A Technique for In situObservation of Damage and its Evolution Inside Engineering Materials Lukas Helfen,1,2Mark N. Mavrogordato,3Thilo F. Morgeneyer,4T. Baumbach1 1 Institute for Photon Science and Synchrotron Radiation, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, PO Box 3640,

Seminario de la Dra. Mariana Hamer, de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), titulado “Porphyrin-based nanomaterials: design, synthesis and applications” – A las 11:30 hr en la Sala de Seminarios

Porphyrin-based nanomaterials: design, synthesis and applications  Abstract  The development of new nanomaterials and nanotechnology currently have a huge impact on modern science. Within this trend, a field that has taken relevance is the construction of nanometric supramolecular systems through

Defensa de Tesis Doctoral – Miguel Herraraez «Computational Micromechanics Models for Damage and Fracture of Fiber-Reinforced Polymers», supervisado por el Prof. Carlos González y Dr. Cláudio Lopes.

La Defensa PhD tendrá lugar, a las 12 del mediodía, el próximo viernes (13 de julio) en la sala de seminarios del Departamento de Ciencia de los Materiales de la Escuela de Ingeniería Civil de la UPM (ETSI Caminos, Ciudad Universitaria). La disertación se titula "Modelos de Micromecánica

First Year Assessment de Verónica Fernandez – Luna, titulado “Towards the understanding of FP-coating stability in Bio-LEDs” – En la Sala de Seminarios a las 12:00 pm

ABSTRACT Solid-state lighting (SSL) is one of the biggest achievements of the 20th century. It has completely changed our modern life with respect to general illumination (light-emitting diodes), flat devices and displays (organic light-emitting diodes), and small labelling systems (light-emitting

Javier Llorca, premio SOCIEMAT Mejor Carrera Científica

Javier Llorca, director científico y fundador del Instituto IMDEA Materiales, ha recibido el premio a la mejor carrera científica otorgado por la Sociedad Española de Materiales (SOCIEMAT). El galardón fue entregado el pasado 5 de julio durante el XV Congreso Nacional de Materiales celebrado en

Seminario de Dr. Vilas G. Pol, de Purdue University, titulado “Engineered Electrodes for Efficient Energy Storage and Battery Safety” – A las 12:00 pm en la Sala de Seminarios

Abstract ViPER (Vilas Pol’s Energy Research) laboratory at Purdue University focuses their research activities on the development of high capacity electrode materials, their engineering for longer cycle life and improved safety. Considering the advantages and limitations of known synthesis

Visita de la Clean Sky 2

El pasado 5 de Junio nuestro centro recibió una visita de la Clean Sky 2, como parte de la evaluación anual del área tecnológica de motores organizada por ITP Aero. Nuestro centro participa actualmente en 3 proyectos de la Clean Sky: REDISH, (CROR Engine Debris Impact SHielding. Design,

Seminario de Carlos M. Atienza, del Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia, titulado “3D printing technologies, new possibilities for customized products and services for TOC”- A las 12:00hr, en la Sala de Seminarios

Tecnologías de impresión 3D, nuevas posibilidades de productos a medida y servicios para COT Se realizará una introducción a las actividades del IBV (Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia), para a continuación explicar las bases biomecánicas de la fabricación aditiva mediante EBV que llevaron al IBV

Escuela de Verano y Día de la Industria: Fabricación Aditiva

El 23 y 24 de julio el Instituto IMDEA Materials organiza una escuela de verano sobre fabricación aditiva y día de la industria, en el que empresas destacadas (Siemens, ITP, Renishaw, HP, LPW Technologies, Mizar Additive) analizarán el progreso del campo y los desafíos futuros. . Este evento está

First Year Assessment de André Rittner Pires Correa titulado “A numerical approach on thermoforming simulation of UD prepregs” – En la Sala de Seminarios a las 12:00 pm

Abstract Composite materials are a serious competitor for lightweight metals used in the aerospace and automotive industry. Fast production methods like thermo-folding, diaphragm forming or stamping can produce large numbers of CFRP components in a cost efficient way. The weight saving benefits of

Proyecto MININAL

El proyecto MINIMAL contrubirá a la mejora de las herramientas de análisis/diseño de las interacciones dislocación-interfaz en nano-laminados metálicos, que recientemente han atraído atención como componentes mecánicos en sistemas microelectromecánicos (MEMS por sus siglas inglesas). MINIMAL está

Seminario del Dr. Indrat Aria, de la Universidad de Cranfield, titulado “Synergistic CVD graphene and ALD alumina for permeation barrier applications”- A las 13:00hr, en la Sala de Seminarios

Abstract Permeation barrier films are critical to a wide range of applications ranging from food and medical packaging to organic electronics and photovoltaics. For some of these applications, not only low permeation values are required but also flexible and transparent. Here, I will present

Seminario del Dr. Eric Jägle del “Max Planck Institute of Metals Research» en Düsseldorf (Alemania) titulado «Alloys for Additive Manufacturing, Alloys by Additive Manufacturing”- A las 11:00 am en la Sala de Seminarios

Abstract As Additive Manufacturing technologies are being adopted in more and more industries, the focus of research and development is shifting to the materials in use. On the one hand, limited processability of high-performance materials restrict the robustness of the process in some cases, while

Disponible la memoria anual 2017

Los resultados de las actividades de investigación realizadas en nuestro centro durante el año 2017 están resumidas en este documento. En él se puede encontrar información sobre los Investigadores Principales del centro, proyectos en curso, nuestra infraestructura científica y las actividades de

Seminario de la Prof. Marisol – Martín González del Instituto de Micro y Nanotecnología, titulado “The challenge of finding critical resolved shear stress values for meso-scale modeling of  titanium alloys” – A las 12:00 am en la Sala de Seminarios

Resumen de su grupo Nano-ingeniería de dispositivos termoeléctricos (FINDER) (Instituto de Micro y Nanotecnología) La línea de investigación se centra en la optimización de los dispositivos termoeléctricos mediante su nanoestructuración. Un dispositivo termoeléctrico es aquél capaz de convertir

Número especial sobre Optoelectrónica

A lo largo del mes de Mayo estará disponible de forma gratuita en ChemPlusChem un número especial sobre nuevos materiales y aproximaciones en optoelectrónica, organizado por nuestro compañero Rubén Costa! Puedes encontrarlo pinchando en este link:

Seminario del Prof. Thomas Bieler, del Departamento de Física metalúrgica, límites de grano, Plasticidad de cristal de IMDEA Materiales, titulado “The challenge of finding critical resolved shear stress values for meso-scale modeling of  titanium alloys” – A las 12:00 am en la Sala de Seminarios

Biografía corta El Professor Thomas R. Bieler se graduó en Mecánica Aplicada en la Universidad de California en San Diego en el año 1978 y posteriormente, realizó un Máster en Ingeniería Cerámica en la University de Washington (Seattle) en 1980. Tras cinco años en el Laboratorio Nacional Sandia en

Workshop CIMNE – IMDEA Materiales

El pasado 13 de abril tuvo lugar un encuentro bilateral entre el Centro Internacional de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería (CIMNE) y el Instituto IMDEA Materiales. En la jornada, que tuvo lugar en las instalaciones de IMDEA Materiales en Tecnogetafe, participaron doce investigadores de ambas entidades

Seminario del Prof. Efstathios I. Melts, del Departamento de Materiales, Ciencia y Energía de la Universidad de Texas de Arlington, titulado “Seminar of Prof. Efstathios I. Melts, from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering of the University of Texas at Arlington, entitle “The Quest for New Materials: Interface-engineered Materials” – A las 12:00 am en la Sala de Seminarios

Abstract Atomic interface structures provide a unique opportunity to design new materials that can provide promising solutions to future technological demands. This talk presents an overview of two diverse areas of activity at the Surface and Nano Engineering Laboratory at the University of Texas,

Seminario del Prof. Jiacheng Wang, del “Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)” titulado “Emerging Materials for Electrocatalysis” – A las 11:30 am en la Sala de Seminarios

Abstract Platinum-based materials are highly active as the electrocatalysts both in hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in fuel cells, but high cost limits its wide applications. In this talk, the reporter summarized the recent research progress of designing and

II Premio IMDEA Materiales de Innovación

El pasado 28 de noviembre tuvo lugar el II Premio IMDEA Materiales de Innovación. El Director del Instituto, Prof. Ignacio Romero, entregó el premio a Miguel Ángel Valdés en su proyecto ganador titulado "Procesamiento ultrarrápido de aceros avanzados de alta resistencia". La 2ª edición iniciada con

First Year Assessment de Jing Zhang titulado “Metal organic frameworks (MOFs) derived hierarchically nanomaterials as multifunctional fire retardant for polymer nanocomposites” – En la Sala de Seminarios a las 12:00 pm

Abstract Fire hazards including the generation of heat, smoke and toxic vapor, cost a great number of lives and damage properties. Compared with natural polymers, the high flammability and the widespread use of synthetic polymers lead to serious safety and environmental problems. Therefore, methods

Seminario del Prof. Gastón A. Crespo titulado “Decentralized Chemical Sensing: From materials to real world applications”- A las 12:00 hr en la Sala de Seminarios

Decentralized Chemical Sensing: From materials to real world applications My group works at the interface of fundamental and applied chemical science and our aim is to solve real problems that human society is facing or will be facing soon. There is an urgent need of decentralized chemical

First Year Assessment de Andrea Fernández titulado “Recycling of composites by recovering carbon fibres of cured prepregs, and their re-use in hybrid laminates” – En la Sala de Seminarios a las 12:00 pm

Abstract: Recycling of composites by recovering carbon fibres of cured prepregs, and their re-use in hybrid laminates by Andrea Fernández Gorgojo The applications of composite materials are rapidly growing in several sectors. For example, in the aeronautical sector, composites can account for up to

Seminario del Prof. John Allison titulado “The PRISMS Framework: An Integrated Predictive Multi-Scale ICME Capability for the Global Materials Community”- A las 13:00 hr en la Sala de Seminarios

The PRISMS Framework: An Integrated Predictive Multi-Scale ICME Capability for the Global Materials Community John Allison University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI The Center for PRedictive Integrated Structural Materials Science (PRISMS) is a major Materials Genome Initiative effort creating a unique

Becas de iniciación a la investigación de Juan Manuel Moreno titulado «Optimization of electrolyte conductivities containing flame retardant. A computational experimentally-guided approach based on Genetic Algorithms combined with Machine Learning techniques (GAML)” – A las 16:00 hr en la sala de Seminarios

Abstract Flame retardants are going to be such an important component in future Lithium-based batteries. However, these flame retardants have a major problem: they decrease the conductivity values of electrolytes. During this project we have been trying to use some new optimization techniques

First Year Assessment de Pablo García titulado “The fatigue behavior of advanced high-strength steels processed via quenching and partitioning” – En la Sala de Seminarios a las 12:00 pm

ABSTRACT The increasingly demanding environmental and safety goals imposed to the automotive industry have fostered fierce competition to develop new multi-phase steel types that are stronger, tougher, more formable, and fatigue-resistant. Among the various approaches in study, steels processed via

Francisca Martínez-Hergueta obtiene el premio extraordinario de doctorado

Francisca Martínez-Hergueta ha recibido el premio extraordinario de doctorado de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid del curso académico 2015-16. La tesis se titulaba " Multiscale analysis of the mechanical behaviour of needle-punched nonwoven fabrics " y fue realizada en el Instituto IMDEA

Presentación de la revolución tecnológica: BioLED

  En esta ocasión, smartLIGHITNG y el Instituto IMDEA Materiales, tiene el placer de invitarle a la presentación en absoluta primicia del BioLED, una tecnología que va acaparando premios y reconocimientos por todo el mundo de distintas organizaciones, como la del prestigioso y solvente,

Seminario del Prof. Javier García Martínez titulado “Design, Fabrication and Commercialization of new catalysts engineered at the nanoscale” – A las 10:00 am en la Sala de Seminarios

DESIGN, FABRICATION AND COMMERCIALISATION OF NEW CATALYSTS ENGINEERED AT THE NANOSCALE J. García-Martínez Laboratorio de Nanotecnología Molecular, Dpto. Química Inorgánica, Universidad de Alicante, Ap. 99, E-03690 Alicante, Spain.; Rive Technology, Inc., 1 Deer Park Drive, Monmouth

First Year Assessment de Rudi Maça titulado “Nanoengineered Pseudocapacitive Anodes for Rechargeable Sodium-Ion Batteries” – En la Sala de Seminarios a las 12:00 pm

Abstract: In this study, nanoengineered pseudocapacitive electrodes are developed for superior Na-ion storage. Main aim is to induce defect-driven pseudocapacitive Na-ion storage in insertion and conversion type anodes. Hybrid anatase-bronze TiO2 nanosheets composed of Nanocrystallites of

Nuevo récord de eficiencia en celdas solares de óxido de titanio

Investigadores de IMDEA Materiales, de la Universidad de La Rioja y de la Universidad de Alicante han logrado el récord de eficiencia energética en celdas solares basadas en óxido de titanio, como alternativa a las convencionales basadas en silicio. La eficiencia es del 8,75%, la más alta obtenida

First Year Assessment of Yunfu Ou entitle «Understanding interlaminar toughening mechamisms in structural carbon fiber/epoxy composites interleaved with CNT veils» – En la Sala de Seminarios a las 12:00 pm

ABSTRACT: The susceptibility to delamination is one of the main concerns in fiber reinforced polymer composites (FRPs), while carbon nanotubes (CNT) carry the promise of enhancing this poor out-of-plane mechanical performance. This work reviews the progress to date towards methods of

Seminario del Dr. Martin Sjödin titulado “Rational Design of Conducting Redox Polymers for Electrical Energy Storage” – A las 12:30 pm en la Sala de Seminarios

Abstract Conducting redox polymers (CRPs) are composed of a conducting polymer (CP) backbone and redox active functional groups (RGs) and they provide an attractive option as organic matter based electrical energy storage materials. The CP backbone renders the material conductive and, due to the

Semana de la Ciencia 2017

¿Te interesa la impresión 3D?, ¿quieres fabricar materiales compuestos?, ¿tienes curiosidad por aprender cómo se puede mejorar el comportamiento frente al fuego de los plásticos? ¡Visítanos el próximo 14 de noviembre!

Seminario del Dr. Juan Manuel Ortiz titulado “Microbial Electrochemical Technologies and waste water treatment: concepts and main applications” – A las 11:00 am en la Sala de Seminarios

ABSTRACT Microbial Electrochemical Tehnologies (MET) are a recent research field related to environmental biotechnology. The main concept for its development is related to the ability of the microorganisms of producing electricity from organic matter degradation, using an insoluble electron

Seminario de Mauricio Terrones titulado «Low-Dimensional Nano-Carbons: Form Doped Carbon Nanotubes and Doped Graphene to 3-D Hybrids and Biological Applications» – Sala de Seminarios, 13:00 hr.

Low-Dimensional Nano-Carbons: Form Doped Carbon Nanotubes and Doped Graphene to 3-D Hybrids and Biological Applications Mauricio Terrones1 E-mail: 1Department of Physics, Department of Chemistry, Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Center for 2-Dimensional & Layered

First Year Assessment of Miguel Angel Valdés entitle «Study of Mechanical Properties on Macro- and Microscopes in AHSS by Ultra-Fast Heating» – Sala de Seminarios a las 11:00 am

Abstract Ultrafast heating (UFH) has recently attracted significant attention of steel research community due to its advantages over conventional heat treatment of advanced high-strength steel (AHSS) including very short processing time, reduced energy consumption and low carbon footprint. The UFH


Funding: AIRBUS DEFENSE & SPACE Region: Spain Project period: 2016 – 2017 Principal Investigator: Dr. Cláudio Sául Lopes ( The CRASHING II project is the follow up of the Clean Sky CRASHING project and is focused on the modelling and simulation of the

First Year Assessment of Eva M. Andrés López entitle «Coupled thermomechanical damage model in small strain elastoplasticity: A thermodynamic approach»- Seminar Room at 1:00 pm

Abstract The objective of the present project is the development and numerical implemen- tation of constitutive equations for the coupled thermomechanical damage problem in the speci c context of the in nitesimal strain approximation, within the framework of the thermodynamics of irreversible

Las futuras bombillas serán de proteínas

El LED ha sustituido en los últimos años a bombillas incandescentes y halógenos y, aunque ha supuesto una revolución, el reto sigue estando en lograr sistemas de iluminación más sostenibles y baratos. En este artículo para la agencia EFE, Rubén Costa (investigador senior en IMDEA Materiales) explica