International Workshop on Progress in hybrid & biohybrid nanostructured materials based on clay minerals

El 20 de Julio de 2007 tendrá lugar en el Salón de Actos, ICMM-CSIC, Cantoblanco (Madrid), el Congreso "International Workshop on Progress in hybrid & biohybrid nanostructured materials based on clay minerals".

  • Organizado por: Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM) e IMDEA – Materiales.
  • Dirigido por: Pilar Aranda y Margarita Darder (ICMM-CSIC).
  • Secretaria de la Conferencia: Berta Herrero (Unniversidad Carlos III de Madrid)


PROGRAMA (397KB; Descargar PDF)

9:15-9:30 Opening Ceremony: Prof. F. Soria (Director of the ICMM-CSIC), Prof. J. Llorca (Director of the IMDEA-materials), Prof. J. Baselga (Coordinator of the Interfases Consortium)
9:30-10:00 J. Llorca (IMDEA-Materiales, Spain) “IMDEA-materials: encompassing science and technology transfer”
10:00-10:30 Y. Fukushima (TOYOTA Central Labs, Japan) “Organic molecules and/or Proteins in Nano-Spaces of MesoporousSilica or Carbon (Artificial Photo Synthesis and Fuel Cell System)
10:30-11:00 E. Ruiz-Hitzky (ICMM-CSIC, Spain) “Hybrid and biohybridnanostructuredmaterials from sepiolite:present & future”
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-12:00 A. Alvarez (TOLSA S.A., Spain) “Organo-sepiolite applications”
12:00-12:30 M. Ogawa (University of Waseda, Tokyo, Japan) “Useful properties of tris(2,2’-bipyridine) ruthenium (II) complex-smectiteintercalation compounds”
12:30-13:00 F. Bergaya (CNRS-Universitéd’Orléans, France) “Optimal clay mineral modification for performanthybrid clay-(bio)polymer nanocomposites”
13:00-13:30 G. Rytwo (Tel HaiAcademic College, Israel) “Clay minerals: Ancient "nanotechnology"-a review of clay-organic applications along the centuries”
13:30 Concluding Remarks and Closing: Prof. J. Baselgaand Prof. J.M. Serratosa

Free registration at:

Limited number of attendants. Please register before 15 July