
Seminario del Dr. Wenqing Yan del Departamento de Ingeniería Civil, Ambiental y Geomática en ETH Zurich (Suiza) titulado «Developing impactful medical technologies in international contexts» – el 27 de junio de 2024, a las 12:30, en la Sala de Seminarios.

Resumen: By utilizing innovative polymerization techniques involving zero-valent metals and UV light, we have developed radical polymerizations that exhibit low dispersity, high monomer conversion rates, exceptional oxygen tolerance, and minimal catalyst content. These advancements are crucial for streamlining production processes,

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Sergio Lucarini, alumni de IMDEA y ahora prominente investigador en BC Materials en Bilbao, dará un seminario titulado «Multiphysics Modeling for Multifunctional Composite Materials» el 25 de junio de 2024, a las 10:30 de la mañana en la Sala de Seminarios.

Resumen: Recent advances in multifunctional materials are revolutionizing various fields, such as biomedicine, soft robotics and smart sensors. The ability to model and predict the behavior of these materials in different physical interactions is crucial. In this regard, multiphysics modeling

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Dr. Jiří Červenka del Instituto de Física de la Academia Checa de Ciencias dará un seminario titulado «Electrolyte and Electrode Design for Next Generations of Batteries» el 24 de junio de 2024, a mediodía en la Sala de Seminarios.

Resumen: Electrochemical energy storage systems with high energy density, safety, affordability, and a low carbon footprint are essential in today’s world of widespread electronics, electric vehicles, and grid storage. Li-ion batteries have become the leading rechargeable battery technology, surpassing others

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Seminario del Prof. Sudesh Sivarasu de la Universidad de Cabo Verde en Sudafrica, titulado «Developing impactful medical technologies in international contexts» – el 21 de junio de 2024, a las 11:00, en la Sala de Seminarios.

Professor Sudesh Sivarasu leads the University of Cape Town (UCT) MedTech laboratory. Prof Sivarasu is one of the best known in the field of medical device innovation both nationally and internationally. He has been named a prolific inventor by UCT

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Seminario de Alejandro Strachan el Profesor Reilly de Ingeniería de Materiales en la Universidad de Purdue y el Codirector de nanoHUB y chipshub, titulado «Physics-based modeling, machine learning, and cyber-infrastructure accelerating materials research and innovation». El 25 de junio, a las 12:00 en la sala de seminarios.

Resumen: Predictive machine learning (ML) tools can accelerate the discovery of new materials and enable semi or fully autonomous research. In addition, ML tools are playing an increasingly central role in physics-based simulations, enabling a combination of accuracy and computational

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Seminario del Dr. Lluis Montoliu, Investigador Científico del CSIC y Subdirector del Centro Nacional de Biotecnología, titulado «Not Everything is Possible in Science! The Fundamental Role of Ethics in Research» – El 28 de junio del 2024, a las 12:00 pm, en el Auditorio.

Resumen:Often the society thinks researchers can do almost everything they want. They imagine that we can convert immediately all our ideas into experiments, even the silliest and strangest ones, without telling anyone or asking permission. And this far from being

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Seminario del Prof. Kavan Hazeli de la Universidad de Arizona (EUA) , titulado «Musicale Phenomena in Additively Manufactured Lattice and Thin-Wall Structures» 4 de junio de 2024, a las 12:30, en la Sala de Seminarios.

Resumen: To this end, full-field mesoscale computational modeling of statistical volume elements and calibration and validation experiments provide a pathway for establishing microstructure-property relationships in additively manufactured parts.  However, the fidelity of these relationships is sensitive to the microstructure representation and grain scale

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Seminario de Rodrigo Martinez, Profesor Asociado de Ingeniería Mecánica de la Escuela de Investigación en Salud, titulado «Architecting Carbonaceous Electrodes» – el 26 de junio de 2024, al mediodía, en la Sala de Seminarios

Resumen: Carbonaceous electrodes are a cornerstone of multiple applications ranging from sensors to energy components. There are multiple ways to derive carbonaceous electrodes, including a myriad of precursor materials and processing techniques. In this talk, I will first give a

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Seminario de Andere Basterretxea y Coralie Jehanno, Cofundadores y Director General y Director Científico de la empresa Polykey, titulado “From lab to market, challenges and opportunities of a start-up with impact”. El día 27 de mayo de 2024, a las 15:30 horas en la sala de seminarios.

POLYKEY es una start-up del Centro Vasco de Investigación de Excelencia Polymat en España en 2020. Pretende contribuir al futuro de los polímeros con una visión estratégica y compromiso con la innovación y la sostenibilidad.

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Seminario de la Prof. Mengying Liu, de la Universidad de Washington and Lee de EEUU, titulado “In situ investigation of hydrogen-assisted crack initiation in nickel-based alloy 725”se llevará a cabo el 27 de mayo de 2024, a las 12:00 del mediodía, en la sala de seminarios.

Resumen: When metals are exposed to hydrogen (H)-rich environments, they may lose ductility and fail catastrophically without showing any sign of damage. This problem is known as hydrogen embrittlement (HE). Over the last few decades, extensive research on HE has shown that hydrogen-assisted cracking is a microstructure-sensitive phenomenon.

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Seminario de Martin Otto del Instituto Leibniz, titulado «Optimisation of Fe-Mn-C steels for biodegradable vascular implant applications», se llevará a cabo el 23 de mayo de 2024, a las 12:00 del mediodía, en el Auditorio.

Resumen: The demand for advanced clinical treatments for various soft and hard tissue injuries and diseases has led to the development of innovative biodegradable implant materials. Compared to their non-degrading counterparts, implants made of biodegradable polymers or metals degrade progressively

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Seminario del Dr. Moumita Rana, de la Universidad de Tecnología, Países Bajos, titulado: “How Do Charge Carrier Transport and Microstructure Influence Solid-State Battery Performance: Solving the Jigsaw”. El día 22 de julio, a las 12:00 hr, en la sala de Seminarios.

Resumen: Solid state lithium ion batteries are promising as the next-generation energy storagesystem due to their high energy density, thermal stability, and volumetricminiaturization. Even though, the ionic conductivity of solid state electrolytes is oftenblamed to be the bottle neck of

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