
Defensa de tesis doctoral de Wei Shao, titulada «Predicción precisa de los diagramas de fases de aleaciones binarias a partir de cálculos de primeros principios y mecánica estadística» – El 20 de septiembre de 2024 a las 11:30 a.m.

La defensa de la tesis se llevará a cabo en la Sala José Echegaray, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Caminos, Universidad Politécnica. Cómo llegar: Campus, Calle del Prof. Aranguren, 3, 28040 Madrid La tesis está titulada “Predicción precisa de

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El Prof. Emilio J. Palomares Gil, del Instituto Catalán de Investigación Química (ICIQ), dará un seminario titulado ‘The Contact Makes the Device: Molecules that Rule the Solar Cells Efficiency’. Tendrá lugar el 17 de septiembre de 2024, a las 13:00 hr, en el Auditorium.

Resumen: Silicon solar cells have dominated the science and market for solar cells. Their efficiency was boosted after the passivation of their surface and minimised charge losses at the interface, allowing better contacts to extract the photoelectrical current. In molecular solar

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Defensa de la Tesis Doctoral de Venkatesh Sivagnana, titulada «Developing new high entropy alloys for high temperature applications using advanced powder metallurgy routes and additive manufacturing» – El viernes 13 de septiembre a las 11:30 a.m.

La defensa de la Tesis Doctoral se llevará a cabo en el Salón de Grados Padre Soler de la Universidad Carlos III de Leganes. La disertación se titula «Developing new high entropy alloys for high temperature applications using advanced powder

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Matthias T. Agne, de la Universidad de Oregón, dará un seminario titulado «Engineering electronic and thermal transport in complex crystals». Tendrá lugar el 5 de agosto de 2024, a las 11 de la mañana, en la Sala de Seminarios.

Resumen: Next-generation energy and sustainability technologies, such as solid-state batteries, fuel cells and thermoelectrics, require a fundamental understanding of thermal, electronic and ionic transport of the constituent materials to realize successful devices. Although the transport of heat, electrons and ions

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Seminario de Dikai Guan de la universidad de Southampton titulado «Static recrystallisation behaviour in magnesium alloys» – el 30 de agosto de 2024, a las 12:00, en la Sala de Seminarios.

Resumen: Magnesium alloys, known for their low density and high strength-to-weight ratio, are increasingly important in the aerospace and automotive industries. Understanding the static recrystallisation (SRX) behaviour of these alloys is crucial for optimizing their mechanical properties and manufacturability. This

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Seminario del Dr. Yunxian Yang del Instituto de Tecnología de Beijing titulado «Flame-retardant Polymer for Impact and Energy-absorbing Composite» – Lunes, 8 de julio de 2024, a las 12:00, en la Sala de Seminarios.

Resumen: High-performance fiber-reinforced polymer composite have been increasingly used as personnel protection system owning to their high strength and/ or stiffness to weight ratio and good damage tolerance. Amongst, ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) fiber/ thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU), and aramid

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Seminario del Dr. Minghao Yu de la Universidad Técnica de Dresde, Alemania, titulado «2D Layered Materials for Sustainable Energy Storage» – el 27 de junio de 2024, a las 3:30, en la Sala de Seminarios.

Resumen: Electrochemical energy storage technologies have been brought into the spotlight as they provide elegant and efficient approaches to store, transport, and deliver energy harvested from sustainable energy resources.[1-2] The demand for power and energy supply is equally imperative in

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Seminario del Prof. Suveen Mathaudu de la Universidad de Minas de Colorado, EE.UU, titulado “There is plenty of room at the bottom… For magnesium alloys!” – El jueves 27 de junio de 2024, a las 11:00, en la Sala de Seminarios.

Resumen: Mg-alloys are becoming increasingly important based on the technological advantages given their low density compared to current structural metals such as Al- and Fe-based alloys. However, unlike their fcc and bcc counterparts, little has been done to investigate the

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Seminario del Dr. Wenqing Yan del Departamento de Ingeniería Civil, Ambiental y Geomática en ETH Zurich (Suiza) titulado «Developing impactful medical technologies in international contexts» – el 27 de junio de 2024, a las 12:30, en la Sala de Seminarios.

Resumen: By utilizing innovative polymerization techniques involving zero-valent metals and UV light, we have developed radical polymerizations that exhibit low dispersity, high monomer conversion rates, exceptional oxygen tolerance, and minimal catalyst content. These advancements are crucial for streamlining production processes,

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Sergio Lucarini, alumni de IMDEA y ahora prominente investigador en BC Materials en Bilbao, dará un seminario titulado «Multiphysics Modeling for Multifunctional Composite Materials» el 25 de junio de 2024, a las 10:30 de la mañana en la Sala de Seminarios.

Resumen: Recent advances in multifunctional materials are revolutionizing various fields, such as biomedicine, soft robotics and smart sensors. The ability to model and predict the behavior of these materials in different physical interactions is crucial. In this regard, multiphysics modeling

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Dr. Jiří Červenka del Instituto de Física de la Academia Checa de Ciencias dará un seminario titulado «Electrolyte and Electrode Design for Next Generations of Batteries» el 24 de junio de 2024, a mediodía en la Sala de Seminarios.

Resumen: Electrochemical energy storage systems with high energy density, safety, affordability, and a low carbon footprint are essential in today’s world of widespread electronics, electric vehicles, and grid storage. Li-ion batteries have become the leading rechargeable battery technology, surpassing others

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Seminario del Prof. Sudesh Sivarasu de la Universidad de Cabo Verde en Sudafrica, titulado «Developing impactful medical technologies in international contexts» – el 21 de junio de 2024, a las 11:00, en la Sala de Seminarios.

Professor Sudesh Sivarasu leads the University of Cape Town (UCT) MedTech laboratory. Prof Sivarasu is one of the best known in the field of medical device innovation both nationally and internationally. He has been named a prolific inventor by UCT

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Seminario de Alejandro Strachan el Profesor Reilly de Ingeniería de Materiales en la Universidad de Purdue y el Codirector de nanoHUB y chipshub, titulado «Physics-based modeling, machine learning, and cyber-infrastructure accelerating materials research and innovation». El 25 de junio, a las 12:00 en la sala de seminarios.

Resumen: Predictive machine learning (ML) tools can accelerate the discovery of new materials and enable semi or fully autonomous research. In addition, ML tools are playing an increasingly central role in physics-based simulations, enabling a combination of accuracy and computational

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Seminario del Dr. Lluis Montoliu, Investigador Científico del CSIC y Subdirector del Centro Nacional de Biotecnología, titulado «Not Everything is Possible in Science! The Fundamental Role of Ethics in Research» – El 28 de junio del 2024, a las 12:00 pm, en el Auditorio.

Resumen:Often the society thinks researchers can do almost everything they want. They imagine that we can convert immediately all our ideas into experiments, even the silliest and strangest ones, without telling anyone or asking permission. And this far from being

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