Funding: Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad. Retos colaboración
Region: National
Project period: 2018 – 2020
Partners: ITP Aero (Project Coordinator), IMDEA Materials Institute, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Universidad del País Vasco
Principal Investigator: Dr. Damien Tourret (
The main goal of this project is the radical improvement of the simulation capacities regarding future turbine blades (especially those ones aplicable to the turbine module of the UltraFan™ engine from Rolls-Royce, which ITP Aero is responsible for), advancing towards the concept of Virtual Engine, and allowing the migration to a completely novel engine configuration in a safe, robust, efficient and economically viable way.
In order to reach such goals, the project will be structured in three fundamental activities based on simulation:
- High fidelity models: development of new algorithms and methodologies that allow to increase our knowledge about the physics of a concrete discipline.
- Multi-disciplinary design and optimization: generation of new numerical methods to allow complex simulations to capture in a more reliable way the multi-disciplinary phenomena that take place in an aeronautical engine.
- Simulation of manufacturing processes: new numerical methods that allow the prediction and optimization of the way designs become tangible components that respond to the requirements demanded.

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