Seminar of Prof. Raúl Sánchez-Martín – «Introduction to Machine Learning with Python: Image Processing and Recognition» – 4 de Abril de 2017, Seminar Room a las 5:00 pm


Machine learning, an important part of artificial intelligence, has made a huge impact on many different areas (baking, logistic, telecommunications, etc.) during the last years. Following this trend, there are clear indications that this data-driven technique will play a fundamental role in the development of advanced materials mitigating costs, risks and time in comparison with traditional approaches. In this seminar, a brief and practical introduction to machine learning will be given. First, basic concepts of machine learning will be introduced. After that, several machine learning algorithms will be applied in order to analyse different image patterns using Python. All the seminar participants are welcome to bring their own laptops so they can run the provided codes simultaneously (see technical requirements).

Technical requirements:

  1. Python 2.
  2. The Python libraries “numpy”, “matplotlib” “scikit-learn”. To install it, run this command in the terminal: “pip install <library-name>”. For example, “pip install scikit-learn”.
  3. The web application “Jupyter Notebook”. To install it, run this command in the terminal “pip install jupyter-notebook”.

Raúl Sánchez-Martín ( Ericsson