
Seminario del Prof. Christophe Binetruy, de la Universidad de Nantes (Francia), titulado “Complex flow phenomea in composite processing: experimental evidence and modeling”. El próximo 5 de octubre de 2023.

Resumen: Functional and structural parts, made so far with metals, have been progressively reengineeredby replacing metallic materials by discontinuous fibre reinforced polymers and continuous fibrereinforced composites. Polymer composites are usually divided into two groups, advanced (orhigh performance) composites and engineering

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Seminario del Dr. Federico Bosio, del Instituto de Innovación Tecnológica (Abu Dhabi), titulado: “State-of-the-art of additive manufacturing research activities at Technology Innovation Institute and recent advances in developing the next-generation alloys for Powder Bed Fusion – Laser Beam”. El día 25 de septiembre, a las 12:00 hr, en la sala de Seminarios.

Resumen: Powder Bed Fusion – Laser Beam (PBF-LB) paved the way for developing the next-generation alloys achieving unique properties that could not be guaranteed with the traditional manufacturing routes. The conventional metal alloys utilised for cast and wrought processes did

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Seminario del Prof. Ameya Rege, del Centro Aeroespacial Alemán (Alemania) y de la Universidad de Keele (Reino Unido) titulado: “Computational description of aerogels”. El día 25 de septiembre, a las 11:00 hr, en la sala de Seminarios.

Resumen: Reconstructing the morphology of aerogels presents significant challenges if 3D visualizations of their mesoporous nanostructure are desired. Available microscopic and tomographic tools find it difficult to probe into all types of aerogels for the purposes of reconstructing their 3D

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Seminario del Prof. Humberto Terrones, Investigador visitante de IMDEA Materiales (viene del Instituto Politécnico Rensselaer), titulado: “The Amazing world of 2D Materials”. El día 19 de septiembre, a las 12:00 hr, en la sala de Seminarios.

Resumen: We all are very familiar with graphene and carbon nanotubes and their extraordinary electronic and mechanical properties. Both materials are composed of sp2 carbon atoms; their structures look very similar locally but exhibit different properties due to the way

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FYA de Jingyi Zhang titulado: “Carbon Allotropes Inspired Acoustic and Mechanical Metamaterials”. El día 22 de junio, a las 12:00 hr, en la sala de Seminarios.

Resumen: Systems with broken continuous symmetry in ideal lattices cannot be rectified through rearrangement or deformation. Topological metamaterials featuring nontrivial, artificially induced phase transitions have emerged as pivotal constituents for engineering these topological defects, which, until now, have mostly been

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Defensa del doctorado de Keayvan Keramati, titulado “Development and Experimental Correlation of Machine Learning Models for Diagnosis of Processing Disturbances in Liquid Moulding of Structural Composites” – 15 de septiembre de 2023

La disertación se titula «Development and Experimental Correlation of Machine Learning Models for Diagnosis of Processing Disturbances in Liquid Moulding of Structural Composites». Fue asesorada por el Prof. Dr. Carlos Gonzales. Aquí está el enlace a la dirección de la

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Defensa de doctorado de Syed Wahaaj Ali Rizvi, titulada «Bioabsorbable composite laminates of PLA reinforced with surface-modified Mg wires for orthopedic implant applications» – 24 de julio de 2023

La Defensa de Doctorado tendrá lugar a las 10:30 am, en la sala 3.S01.08, Edificio Rey Pastor (biblioteca), Universidad Carlos III de Madrid – Campus de Leganés. La disertación se titula «Bioabsorbable composite laminates of PLA reinforced with surface-modified Mg

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Seminario de Dr. Phuong Thuy, investigador postdoctoral de IMDEA Materiales, titulado: «Atomistic modeling and simulation method in Materials: Investigating MOFs membrane and Ionic liquids in supercapacitor». El día 7 de julio, a las 12:00 hr, en la sala de Seminarios.

Resumen, The structures of materials play a critical role in defining their unique properties and applications. In particular, the engineering of materials to enhance their performance or understand their defect, dislocation, impurity, or catalytic activity requires knowledge of atomistic-level structures.

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Seminario de David Tilve, del Centro de Investigación Paul Pascal –CNRS- (Francia), titulado: « Electrical Properties of Nanocarbon Based Composites 3d Printed by Digital Light Processing ». El día 10 de julio, a las 12:00 pm, en la sala de Seminarios.

Resumen: Digital Light Processing (DLP)[1] is an additive manufacturing technology based on a Vat photopolymerisation process. 3D objects are manufactured layer upon layer by projecting 2D light patterns onto a liquid photocurable resin. This fast and accurate process is usually

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Seminario del Dr. Alexandre Ponrouch, del Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona – ICMAB-CSIC- (España), titulado: «Calcium Metal Anode Batteries: Status and recent progresses». El día 11 de julio, a las 12:00 hr, en la sala de Seminarios.

Resumen: Various metals have been used as battery anodes in electrochemical cells ever since the birth of the batteries with Volta’s pile and in the first commercialized primary (Zn/MnO2, Leclanché 1866) and secondary (Pb/acid, Planté 1859) batteries. Li-MoS2 cells, employing

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Seminario del Prof. Peter W. Voorhees, de la Universidad Northwestern (Evanston, IL, EUA), titulado: «A Verified and Validated Model for Grain Structure Formation During Additive Manufacturing». El día 6 de julio, a las 12:00 hr, en el Auditorio.

Resumen: The morphology of grains produced during metal Additive Manufacturing (AM) can be very different from that given by conventional processing and is central to controlling the properties of the final build. In addition, the interfacial velocities and temperature gradients

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Seminario del Prof. José Manuel Torralba, Catedrático de Ciencia e Ingeniería de Materiales de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid y Director del Instituto IMDEA Materiales, titulado «Pasado, presente y futuro de la metalurgia: hacia una metalurgia sostenible». El día 28 de junio, a las 12:00 hr, en la sala de Seminarios.

Resumen: ¿Qué papel ha jugado la metalurgia en el desarrollo tecnológico de nuestra civilización tal como la conocemos? ¿Cómo se vincula la metalurgia con las llamadas tecnologías verdes? ¿Cómo se relaciona la metalurgia con el desarrollo de nuevas formas de

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FYA de Marcos Rodríguez titulado: “Laser Powder Bed Fusion of a Soft Magnetic Bulk Metallic Glass for Energy-Saving Applications”. El día 19 de junio, a las 12:00 hr, en la sala de Seminarios.

Resumen: Fe-based soft magnetic bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) have shown unprecedented magnetization saturation and coercivity values and are thus envisioned as potential candidates to increase the efficiency of electromagnetic components. Laser powder bed fusion (LBPF) allows to manufacture relatively large

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